第一章 英语语言 The English language
- 语言的定义:A language is a system of communication used by the people of a particular country or a region for talking or writing purposes.
- 语言系统的组成:A language system consists of a set of codes that are sounds and writing symbols.
- 母语:Mother tongue is the language that we learned from our parents when we were children. Mother tongue is in contrast to foreign. It can also be called native tongue or native language.
- 外语:A foreign language is a language, which is not a native language in a country. It is taught as a school but not used as a medium of instruction in schools, or as a language of communication within acountry.
- 第一语言:Your first language, or L1 for short, is the language you first learned as a child. First language is another way of saying mother tongue or native language.
- 第二语言:Your second language, or L2 for short, is not language you first learned when you were a child,but the language you learned later, and you use at work, at school or for business purposes. A second language is not a native language in a country, but it is widely used as a medium of communication.
- 流行的英语类型:The English language used in the English-speaking countries varies to its pronunciation,vocabulary and grammar. So there are different types of regional English like British English and American English. They are the most popular kinds of English in the world.
- 官 方 语 言 : Official language refers to the language that is used in the formal situations such a government, law courts, newspapers, TV programmes, broadcasting, etc. However, there may be more than one official language in a multilingual country.
- TESL:The course of Teaching English as a Second Language is simply called TESL
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