1.Jim was in _____ after he got to know the results of the football match. ( )
A. a low spirit B. low spirits
C. low spirit D. a low spirits
2. I am rather tired. I______ trees since this morning. ( )
A. was planting B. had planted
C. have been planting D. planted
3. All representatives ______ present before ten o’clock yesterday morning. ( )
A. are B. have been
C. were D. had been
4. In the past decade, great changes ______ in the suburbs of Shanghai. ( )
A. have been taken place B. have taken place
C. took place D. were taken place
5. They envy George because of his ______ chairman of the committee.( )
A. having appointed B. having been appointed
C. appointed D. being appointed
6. I wish I ______ longer this morning, but I had to go to school at 7 o’clock. ( )
A. could sleep B. could have slept
C. slept D. have slept
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