



在下列每组单词中,有四个带下划线的字母或字母组合,分别标为甲、乙、丙和d .比较带下划线的部分,找出发音不同的部分。


在这一节中,有30个不完整的句子。每个句子有四个选项,分别标为甲、乙、丙和d .选择一个最能完成每个句子的答案。



许多人喜欢她,因为她脸上总是带着(n)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _的微笑。















still too ________ to walk on.

A. ripe B. painful C. proper D. sleepy

(10) I ________ most of my books ________ when I left college.

A. sent…up B. sent…out C. gave…off D. gave…away

(11) This showed their love and ________ to the company.

A.ability B. ambition C. justice D. loyalty

(12) What's your first ________ of British food?

A. image B. sight C. impression D. expression

(13) A man came from ________ and hit Tom on the head.

A. elsewhere B. somewhere C. anywhere D. nowhere

(14) He ________ that he was right and we were all wrong.

A. Insisted B. praised C. impressed D. treated

Ⅲ. Reading Comprehension (36 points)

Directions: There are two passages in this part. Each passage is followed by four questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer for each question.

Passage One

When the big night arrived, I picked up Karen and we headed for the drive-in. That night seemed to be perfect. I felt confident. This dating stuff is a piece of cake, I thought, as we pulled into our place at the drive-in. Slowly the sky darkened and soon the movie began.

By the middle of the movie, "I'm thirsty," Karen said suddenly. "I'll get us something!" I said. I walked through the dark rows of cars. I bought Cokes and popcorn and M&M's, then turned to head back to my car.

And that's when I realized I had forgotten where my car was! A sea of cars surrounded me. In the dark, they all looked alike. So I began walking around looking for a blue Chevy. Then … could it be? Yes! I headed for the car, I opened the door – only to discover I didn't know the people in the car.

Finally, after looking for my car in the dark so long that I ate the popcorn myself and drank both Cokes, I found the car. Karen glanced over at me, her eyes icy. "Where's my drink?" she asked. I showed her the M&M's. "This is all they had." I sat into my seat, and we watched the rest of the movie in silence.

I never went out with Karen again. And the next time I took a date to the drive-in, I took an extra pack of M&M's with me and dropped them all the way, so I could find my way back.

(1) How did the writer feel about dating when he drove Karen to the drive-in?

A. It was difficult. B. It was easy.

C. It was important. D. It was perfect.

(2) What made it difficult for the writer to find his car?

A. The car was blue. B. All people drove the same car.

C. Cars looked similar in the dark.

D. He was surrounded by different cars.

(3) Why did the writer bring Karen the M&M's only?

A. Because Karen only wanted M&M's.

B. Because the store did not sell anything else.

C. Because he had dropped the Cokes and popcorn.

D. Because that was all he had in the end.

(4) Why did the writer never go out with Karen again?

A. Because Karen was unhappy with that date.

B. Because he didn't want to lend his car to Karen.

C. Because dating was too difficult for him.

D. Because he didn't want to get lost again.

Passage Two

My husband, an economical man, has a favorite saying: "A bargain is really a bargain when you don't buy it." Yet he puts aside his economical ways when we dine out. He always gives a generous tip to our waitress. If the service is terrible, he keeps back only a few pennies.

We recently treated our son and his girlfriend to a seafood dinner near Cocoa Beach, Florida. Our waitress, a grandmotherly woman, was skilled in the art of waiting tables. She treated her customers as individuals. She remembered their special tastes, likes, and dislikes. She learnt all of these after only the briefest of conversations.

She didn't serve us food — she served us the best food. She made sure the kitchen gave her fresh produce. There were no wet leaves or under-ripe tomatoes in our salads. The bread was hot from the oven. She refilled our glasses before we knew they needed it. She provided this service with a smile, a genuine smile, and a sense of humor.

At the end of the meal, this waitress brought the bill, and then went to attend to the growing crowd of other diners. My husband paid with a credit card, added her tip, and we were off. After a quick stop in the wash-room, I re-entered the lobby in time to see the waitress running out of the dining room waving a receipt at us. "Mr. Goldsmith!" she called. My husband turned. She waved the paper at him. "Thank you."

He looked at her as though he didn't understand. She stepped closer, "Your tip. Thank you. It was generous of you."

"What did you give her?" I asked after we followed him out of the door, wondering if he had made a mistake with money.

"She gave us great service. I just thought she should be paid a little more than what I usually give."

"Wow, Dad," our son said, sounding like a surprised 10-year-old. "I've never seen a waitress follow anyone out of the restaurant to say 'Thank you' for the tip."

What is a good bargain, according to Mr. Goldsmith, the husband?

A. Not buying anything. B. Dining out.

C. Not dining out. D. Giving small tips.

(2) Why did the family go to the restaurant?

A. Because the service in the restaurant was excellent.

B. Because the family loved seafood.

C. Because it was the son's birthday.

D. Because the couple wanted to give a big dinner for their son and his girlfriend.

(3) Which of the following is TRUE about the waitress?

A. She cooks foods for her guests. B. She is a grandmother.

C. She has good tastes. D. She has good memory.

(4) Why did the waitress run out of the dining room?

A. To show the receipt to Mr. Goldsmith.

B. To ask Mr. Goldsmith for a tip.

C. To say "thank you" to Mr. Goldsmith.

D. To bring the bill to Mr. Goldsmith.

Passage Three

New research on vegetables and aging found that eating vegetables helps keep the brain young and slow the mental decline (衰退) associated with age. On measures of mental sharpness, older people who ate more than two servings of vegetables daily appeared about five years younger at the end of the six-year study than those who ate few or no vegetables.

The research in almost 2,000 Chicago-area men and women showed that green leafy vegetables appeared to be the most beneficial. The researchers said that green leafy vegetables contain healthy amounts of vitamin E, which is believed to help fight chemicals produced by the body that can damage cells.

Vegetables generally contain more vitamin E than fruits. Vegetables are often eaten with healthy fats such as salad oils, which help the body absorb vitamin E, said Martha Clare Morris, a researcher at Chicago's Rush University Medical Center.

The research involved 1,946 people aged 65 and older who filled out questionnaires about their eating habits. They also had mental function tests three times over about six years. The tests included measures of short-term and delayed memory. These older people were asked to recall elements of a story that had just been read to them. They were also given an exercise using symbols and numbers.

Overall, people did gradually worse on these tests over time, but those who ate more than two vegetable servings a day had about 40% less mental decline than those who ate few or no vegetables. The study also found that people who ate lots of vegetables were more physically active, adding to evidence that what's good for your heart is good for your brain.

What does the research tell us?

A. Eating vegetables helps keep the brain young.

B. Old people should eat more vegetables.

C. Only by eating vegetables can we keep physically healthy.

D. Eating vegetables makes us physically and mentally young.

(2) What happened to those who ate more vegetables in the research?

A. They found it unnecessary to eat fruits.

B. They grew mentally sharper than they used to be.

C. Their bodies produced chemicals that could damage cells.

D. They had sharper minds than those who ate fewer vegetables.

(3) What does the research prove about green leafy vegetables?

A. They contain much vitamin E.

B. They help our bodies absorb vitamin E.

C. They have more vitamins than salad oils.

D. They help stop mental decline in old people.

(4) The old people were asked to recall elements of stories because ________.

A. they had to fill out questionnaires

B. their memory was to be tested

C. they had to read the stories to others

D. their mental functions were damaged

Ⅳ. Daily Conversation (15 points)

Directions: Pick out appropriate expressions from the eight given choices for each conversation.

A. they were friendly

B. Were they nice

C. the two girls weren't very friendly

D. Where did you go

E. How did you get there

F. we met him at the concert

G. did you go anywhere after that

H. it was quite funny


So how was your evening with Oliver?


It was good. Yes, very good.


1 ?


We went to see the new James Bond movie.


Was it good?


It wasn't really the kind of film I like, you know, I'm not a James Bond fan, but 2 .


And 3 ?


We went to that new bar opposite the cinema  a few of Oliver's friends were there.


4 ?


The boy was quite nice, but 5  they didn't talk to me at all, not a word.


How rude!

Ⅴ. Translation (25 points)

Section A

Directions: Translate the following five sentences into English.











