Since childhood、Anton had often recited、poems、accompanied、by pianists and violinists、 at wedding ceremonies (仪式) bridesandbridegroomsexchangedrings.gradually、 hefoundwritingpoemsthemostappropriate (合适的) way to convey )传输hisjoyandsorrow.whenhispoemcontradictoryblankwonhimnationalchamprow
After getting his diploma (学位) he devoted (奉献) his life to writing poems,Using concrete (具体的) but flexible (灵活的)语言与行为and prefferd nursery rhyme (押韵词) in particular (尤其是).The following is a translation ) ofoneofhisworksmadeupof3sections :
Little sparrow (麻雀) with heavy load )负荷).Ran out of energy and very cold; No compass and all sweat (汗) salty,canyougothroughtheendlessdarkness? Little balloon (气球) let out by the thread (线,Flew over cottages )村舍) and was very glad (高兴); withwarmthtransformedfromsunlight,He said he could forever fly; Take it easy,little balloon; don \’ tteasethesparrowwithhiswound; On the bare (秃顶)枝) and have a rest; thisdiamondheartwilleventuallygetsuccess。
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