

I was a previous (以前的) typistinapostoffice.becauseicouldn \’ ttolerate允许) typinganymorepostagebillsorpostcodesonatypewriterer 想要的) motivation )动机) of making big money,itookupworkingasabusinessrepresentative (代表) for the G.E. Ecology )生态学) Company, which produced goods by recycling (回收) usefull materials (原料) from our dustbins (.my new job left me good impression ) (印象) inmanyassssang attheworkingtimetablewasfulloftravelingbyjets )飞机。

Once,when speeding up,our jet was swallowed,by a thunderstorm,whichdestroyedourgpsreceiverandmadeuslosesightofthedirections ( ) lightshowedthatourjetwasindanger.a steward (乘务员) instantly (立即) asked us to put on masks ( and fasten )系结) the safety belts,and

itslidsidewaysoutoftheopeningatonceandlandedinadesert (沙漠) area safely.lacking ( food and tablets )片剂)、 we were nervous (不安的) anduncertainatfirst.butweallkeptoptimistic (乐观的) and made good adjustment ( to the situation )情况) we thesthestion ntandwerebackonourfeetsoon.finally,guide (指南) by the smoke of our crashing jet,somelocalcition