PublicEnglishtestsystem(pets )级别3
笔试答题时间: 120分钟
sectionlistening(25minutes ) )。
Directions :
Remember,while you are doing the test,youshouldfirstputdownyouranswersinyourtestbooklet.attheendofthelisteningsection,you
If you have any questions,youmayraiseyourhandnowasyouwillnotbeallowedtospeakoncethetesthasstarted。
Directions :
you will hear 10 short dialogues.foreach dialogue,thereisonequestionandfourpossibleanswers.choosethecorrectanswer—a, B andmarkitinyourtestbooklet.you will have 15 secondstoanswerthequestionandyouwillheareachdialogueonlyonce。
[A] Help plan a trip .
[B] Rent a car for her .
[C] Help repair the car .
[D] Take a trip with her .
【解析】“we’llneedtorentacarforourtripnextweekcouldyoudothatforus? ”你就知道答案是b。
2. Why is the woman upset?
[A] The boss criticized her .
[B] Lily quarreled with her。
[C] Her report was overdue。
[D] Her sales dropped sharply .
【分析】从“Well,thebosswasangryaboutmysalesplan.it’saboutthefigures.igotsomeofthemwrong .”中可以看出,答案是a。
3. What is the woman going to do?
[A] Visit a client in New York .
[B] Meet a client at the airport .
[ c ] revise a marketing报告。
[D] Help the man with the report。
【解析】从“OK,nowihavesomeextratimetorevisemymarketingreport .”可以看出,答案是c。
4. What do we know about the woman?
[A] She liked the lecture a lot .
[B] She was late for the lecture。
[C] She disagreed with Dr. Lee。
[D] She gave a lecture yesterday .
【分析】从“itwassogreatthatwedidn’thearthebell .”可以看出,答案是a。
[A] How to cook and sew .
[ b ]合作伙伴关系关系。
[ c ]家用电子版。
[D] How to make children happy .
【解析】本段对话的中心关键词是“home economics classes”。
6. What do we learn about Bill?
[A] He had his two teeth pulled out。
[B] He paid a lot for his dental care .
[C] He had a quarrel with his dentist。
[ d ] hehadtoeasehistoothachefirst。
【解析】“didbillreallyhavehistwowisdomteethpulledout? Yes .”可知答案是a。
[ a ] hefindsithardtofallasleepatnight。
[ b ] hefindsithardtoconcentrateonhisstudy。
[ c ] heistryinghardtostudyengineering。
[ d ] heistryinghardtogotohisidealcollege。
【分析】从“he’stryingtogetintothecountry’stopengineeringschoolandi’veneverseenanyonestudysohard .”中可以看出,答案是d。
8. What does the woman imply?
[A] She lost her student ID card .
[ b ] theperformanceisnotworththemoney。
[ c ] theticketsarelessexpensivethanexpected。
[ d ] shewon’tbeabletogetanydiscount。
【解析】“withour students’discount; 根据leftmystudentidcardinthedormitory》,答案是d。
9. What do we learn about the woman?
[A] She is to go out soon .
[B] She is to cheer up the man .
[C] She has injured her leg。
[D] She has bought some perfume .
【解析】从“Well,you can’texpecttogooutsoonafterbreakingyourleg .”可以看出,答案是c。
[A] Host the party .
[B] Prepare for the party .
[C] Remind him of the party。
[D] Go with him to the party .
Directions :
youwillhearfourdialoguesormonologues.beforelisteningtoeachone,youwillhavefivesecondstoreadeachequestionsthatacompanyion answer each question by choosing A,b,C or D. After listening,you will have 10 secondstocheckyouranswertoeachquestion.youwilllhearttion
question S11-13 arebasedonthefollowingdialogueaboutbuyingcars。
[A] A wagon
[B]A sports car
[C] An estate car .
[D] An energy-saving jeep。
【解析】由“youmightbeabletogetanestatecheaperifyouwaituntilthen .”可以看出,答案是c。
12. Why did the man buy a jeep?
[A] He got a special price for it。
[B]He found its style attractive
[ c ] ithasbiggerroomthananestatecar。
[ d ] itsitslongtripbetterthananestatecar。
【解析】“we got a better price on the jeep; 根据thedealerwasrunningaspecialsale \”,答案是a。
[ a ] a报告器。
[B]A specialist
[C] His friend .
[D] His colleague .
【分析】从“myfriendworksatadealer’s shop”可以看出,答案是c。
questions 14-17 arebasedonthefollowingdialoguebetweenamanandawoman。
[ a ]一天。
[B]Two weeks .
[ c ]一次一个。
[D] Two years
【解析】从“I just had my first month here .”可以看出,答案是c。
[ a ] a培训作业。
[B] A seasonal job
[ c ] a permanent作业。
[ d ] a管理作业。
【解析】“Are you seasonal helper too? Yes .”可知答案是b。
16.what is theman’swishforthefuture?
[A] To have a business of his own .
[ b ] tohaveacareerinfashiondesign。
[C] To become a computer expert。
[D] To become a company manager。
【解析】从“I want to own my own store one day .”中可以看出,答案是a。
[ a ] during lunch时间。
[B]During a work break
[ c ] before aday’swork。
[D] Before a job interview。
【分析】从“itlookslikemybreakisalmostover.ineedtoworknow .”可以看出,答案是b。
question s18-21 arebasedonthefollowingdialoguebetweenareporterandahealthexpert。
18.whataretheresearchsubjectsofdr.stone’s study?
[ a ]电子邮件属性。
[B]Seriously ill patients
[C] People who never get sick。
[D] People who have just recovered。
【解析】从“you have studied 25 peoplewhonevergetsick”可以看出,答案是c。
[A] He goes swimming .
[B] He takes a long nap .
[C]He does weight-lifting。
[D] He takes a cold shower .
【分析】从“hehastakenacoldshowereverydayformostofhisadultlife .”可以看出,答案是d。
20. What do we learn about Mary?
[A] She is a former nurse .
[B] She works in a hospital .
[C]She works for Dr. Stone。
[D] She is a former professor .
【分析】从“She is a former nurse .”中可以看出,答案是a。
[ a ]平衡编辑。
[ b ]社交网络。
[ c ]规则执行。
[ d ]内存培训。
【解析】由“shecreditsthistothefactthatsheisconstantlyseekingoutnewfriends .”可以看出,答案是b。
questions 22-25 arebasedonthefollowinginterviewwithanactor。
[A] A lot of fans .
[B] A lot of memory .
[ c ]手动密码。
[D] Many comments
【解析】从“You have so many awards for it .”可以看出,答案是c。
23. What does the movie tell us?
[A] It never too late to learn .
[B]It is hard for the old to learn .
[C] Education is beyond the poor。
[D] Education leads to a better life。
【分析】从“an old man at the age of 84,canstillwanttogotoschoolandlearntoreadandwrite”中可以看出,答案是a。
[A]His country was at war .
[B]He had to join the army .
[C] Education was too costly。
[D]There are few schools then。
【分析】从“it was expensive”可以看出,答案是c。
[A] It covers a long time span。
[B]It is hard to play an old man .
[C] He has to act in rough situations。
[D]He has limited freedom in acting .
That is the end of listening section。
sectionreading(50minutes ) )。
Directions :
The political career of Cicero,agreatromanstatesmanandthemostwell-knownspeechmakerofhistime,was a remarkable one. At the time, high political offices in Rome,thoughtechnicallyachievedbywinningelections, werealmostexclusivelycontrolledbyagroupofwealthynoblefamiliesthatheldthemformanygenerations.Cicero’s family,though noble nordidithavegreatwealth.butcicerohadagreatdealofpoliticalambition; ataveryyoungagehechoseashisbasicbeliefthesameasachilleswassaidtohavehad:toalwaysbethebestandovertoptherest.lackingtheadv andv in,therewereespeciallyonlytwocareeroptionsopentothem.onewasamilitarycareer, sincemilitarysuccesswasthoughttoresultfromexceptionalpersonalqualitiesandcouldleadtopopularityandthereforepoliticalopoporticalonity ericanpresidentsulyssess.grantanddwightd.Eisenhower.Cicero,however,was no soldier. He hated war
Instead,cicerochoseacareerinthelaw.toprepareforthiscareer,he studied law,rhetoric, and philosophy.whenhefelthewasready hebegantakingpartinlegalcases.acareerinthelawcouldleadtopoliticalsuccessforseveveralrealreasonson allofwhicharestillrelevanttoday.first,alawyerwouldgainagreatdealofexperienceinmakingspeeches.second, hecouldalsogainexposureandpopularityfromcases.finally,asuccessfullawyerwouldbuildupanetworkofpoliticalconnections, whichisimportantnowbutwasevenmoreimportantincicero’stime,whenpoliticalcompetitionwasnotconductedalongpartylinesoronthebasion but instead was based on loose,shiftingnetworksofpersonalfriendshipsandcommitments.ciceroprovedtobeanexcellentspech-makerand andanoutstandingpolitician.hewaselectedtoeachoftheprincipalromeofficesonhisfirsttryandattheearliestageatwhichewaslegallyallllllyatichometichiched
26.towinanimportantofficeincicero’stime,a candidate should______。
[A] be born of a wealthy family
[B] possess political experience
[C] launch a national campaign
[D] convince the general public
【解析】“At the time,high political offices in Rome,thoughtechnicallyachievedbywinningelections, 从werealmostexclusivelycontrolledbyagroupofwealthynoblefamiliesthatheldthemformanygenerations.\”中可以看出,答案是a。
27.cicerocamefromafamilywith _ _ _ _。
[ a ]获取公事包
[ b ]可移除文件
[ c ]策略应用
[D] noble background
【分析】从“Cicero’s family,though noble,was not one of them,nor did it have great wealth .”中可以看出,答案是d。
28. Unlike Cicero,ulyssesgrantattainedhispoliticalpositiondueto _ _ _。
[A] his strong beliefs
[ b ] his个人关系
[C] his military achievements
[D] his powerful speeches
【分析】“One was a military career, sincemilitarysuccesswasthoughttoresultfromexceptionalpersonalqualitiesandcouldleadtopopularityandthereforepoliticalopoporticalonity
29.aromanpolitician’scareerprospectswerestronglyinfluencedby _ _ _。
[ a ] their party’s support
[B] their social connections
[C] their political doctrine
[D] their public popularity
【解析】“Finally,asuccessfullawyerwouldbuildupanetworkofpoliticalconnections,whichisimportantnowbutwasevenmoreimportantinction whenpoliticalcompetitionwasnotconductedalongpartylinesoronthebasisofdoctrine,but instead was based on loose,shiftingnetworksofppofpotrine
30.cicerowaselectedtotheprincipalofficeswhen _ _ _。
[A] he got support from his friends
[B] he began his career as a lawyer
[ c ] hewascommittedtosocialservices
[ d ] hewasjustoldenoughtorunforthem
【解析】“hewaselectedtoeachoftheprincipalromeofficesonhisfirsttryandattheearliestageatwhichewaslegallyalowedtorunforthem .”
oneofthekeychallengesinurbanarchitectureoverthenext 50 yearswillbefiguringouthowtosqueeevastnumbersofadditionalpeopleintourban elycrowded.London,for example,willsomehowhavetodealwithaprojected 100, 00 extrainhabitantseveryyearuntil 2016.thecurrentplanofbuildinganew“satellite towns”ofthecitycausesalotofproblems—buble oussolutionsthatgoverticalinsteadofhorizontalinsearchofspace。
In terms of population density,londonisoneoftheleastcrowdedmajorcitiesintheworld—fourtimesfewerpeoplersquarekilometetertttterd sixtimesfewerthannewyorkandeighttimesfewerthancairo.butthefactremainsthatthecity’spopulationisgrowingatarapidrate, andhorizontalexpansionintothesurroundingareasiseatingupincreasinglyimportantagriculturalland,aswellasworseningallthettransporanspord
populararchitecturewouldproposearadicallydifferentsolution.theproposalistogoupwards,withverticaltowersofconsiderablesize, eachrepresentinganentirenewtown,by the time it’scompleted.eachtowerwouldbe 1500 meters high.beyondmereaccommodation, eachtowerwouldfunctionasanentiretownunit,with its own schools,hospitals,parks and gardens,sports faculties, businessareasandcommunityspaces.thepopulationdensityofsuchatowercouldhelplowertheindividualenergyrequirementsofeachinhabitantiofed
thevillagetowersareconsideredashollowtubes、 withlargeholestoallowlightandairthoughtheentireconstruction.occasionalfloordiscsspreadthroughouttheheightofthebuildingwillgion
whilethebuildingitselfisunlikelyevertobeseriouslyconsideredforconstruction—imaginethenumberofelevatorsitwouldneed, letalonethesafetyimplicationsofopenareasatsucheightsandwithsuchwindexposure—theconceptcanserveasconversation-started
31.onekeychallengingtaskforurbanarchitectsinthefutureisto _ _ _。
[A] build new satellite towns
[B] work out ambitious plans
[ c ]设计经典歌曲
[D] accommodate more inhabitants
【解析】“oneofthekeychallengesinurbanarchitectureoverthenext 50 yearswillbefiguringouthowtosqueezevastnumbersofadditionalpeople”
[A] Cairo .
[ d ]新纽约。
【解析】“In terms of population density,londonisoneoftheleastcrowdedmajorcitiesintheworld—fourtimesfewerpeoplersquarekity sixtimesfewerthannewyorkandeighttimesfewerthancairo.\”知道答案是a。
33.horizontalexpansionnotonlywastesland,but makes it hard for London to ______。
[A] handle its safety problems
[B] resolve its transport issues
[ c ]控制its population growth
[ d ]度量its population density
34.theverticaltowerwouldrepresentanentirenewtowninitselfbecause _ _ _。
[ a ] it is能源- saving
[B] it is cost-effective
[ c ] it is自助式
[D] it is comfort-oriented
【解析】“Beyond mere accommodation,eachtowerwouldfunctionasanentiretownunit,with its own schools,hospitals,parks and gardens”
35. For city planners today,theideaofbuildingaverticaltowercanbecome _ _ _。
[A] a topic for fun
[B] a shocking reality
[C] a modest proposal
[D] a source of inspiration
【解析】conversation-starter与a source of inspiration意义相近。
Directions :
readthetextsfromamagazinearticleinwhichfivepeopletalkedaboutfitnesstipsformen.for questions 36-40,matchthenameofeachpersons
oneofthemaindifferencesbetweenaman’Sanda woman’sbodyisthatmenaregenerallylesscapableofbendingtheirbodythanwomen.youmaymathind dycanbendeasilyornot,butitis.stretchingyourmusclesregularlywillhelpyoutomoveeffectively.itcanalsohelpyoutostayinjury-ffinjury
Mike :
doinguninterruptedsessionsmaymakeyoufeelyouaredoingthebestthingforyourbody.butnotgivingyourselfabreakbetweenwoutswilmean anddomoreharmthangood.youshouldbetakingadayoffromexercisingeverytwoorthreedaysaminimideally.takingarestwilmeanthatwhatwhide
lotsofmenfallintothetrapofthinkingthatinordertobebetterandachievemore、 theyhavetoperformalltheirexercisesatasuperfastpace.although it’strueforsomeexercises、 forothersthisisjustnotthecase.takeweightliftingforexample.whenliftingslowly,youcanincreasetheamountoftimeyourmusclesclesaretetettesaretttted
David :
somemenareterribleforstickingtothesamefitnessroutine,butdoingdifferenttypesoffitnessactivitiesmeanstyouworkdifferentpartstspartststine andbydoingthisyouimproveyourcorestrengthandyourbalance.itisoftendifficultformostmentotrynewthings.if you don’twantttogointo
Helen :
approach to fitness. They engage physically and mentally with their fitness programs, which has many health benefits. One is that your stress levels can decrease. And some practices of this approach, such as Tai Chi, can improve bone health. To take advantage of these health benefits, find what suits you best from among the many different fitness techniques that are out there.
Now match the name of each person (36-40) to the appropriate statement.
Note: there are two extra statements.
36. John______
[A]Try to diversify your fitness activities.
[B]Body and mind should be engaged in exercising.
[C]Slow fitness activities fit men better.
[D]Men should take intense sessions frequently.
[E]Regular stretching improves body’s flexibility.
[F]Workout speed depends on what exercise you do.
[G]A regular rest between workouts is necessary.
【解析】关键句:Stretching your muscles regularly will help you to move effectively.定期进行肌肉拉伸会帮助你更有效地运动,与E项“经常伸展会提高身体的灵活性”意思相近。
37. Mike______
[A]Try to diversify your fitness activities.
[B]Body and mind should be engaged in exercising.
[C]Slow fitness activities fit men better.
[D]Men should take intense sessions frequently.
[E]Regular stretching improves body’s flexibility.
[F]Workout speed depends on what exercise you do.
[G]A regular rest between workouts is necessary.
【解析】关键句:You should be taking a day off from exercising every two or three days as a minimum ideally.理想的状况是,应该在运动两到三天后至少休息一天。与G项“锻炼期间定期休息是必要的”意思相近。
38. Paul______
[A]Try to diversify your fitness activities.
[B]Body and mind should be engaged in exercising.
[C]Slow fitness activities fit men better.
[D]Men should take intense sessions frequently.
[E]Regular stretching improves body’s flexibility.
[F]Workout speed depends on what exercise you do.
[G]A regular rest between workouts is necessary.
【解析】关键句:Although it’s true for some exercises, for others this is just not the case.尽管有些运动的确需要速度,但有些不需要。与F项“运动速度取决于运动项目”意思相近。
39. David______
[A]Try to diversify your fitness activities.
[B]Body and mind should be engaged in exercising.
[C]Slow fitness activities fit men better.
[D]Men should take intense sessions frequently.
[E]Regular stretching improves body’s flexibility.
[F]Workout speed depends on what exercise you do.
[G]A regular rest between workouts is necessary.
【解析】关键句:doing different types of fitness activities means that you work different parts of your body从事不同类型的运动意味着锻炼身体的不同部位。与A项“尝试丰富你的运动类型”意思相近。
40. Helen______
[A]Try to diversify your fitness activities.
[B]Body and mind should be engaged in exercising.
[C]Slow fitness activities fit men better.
[D]Men should take intense sessions frequently.
[E]Regular stretching improves body’s flexibility.
[F]Workout speed depends on what exercise you do.
[G]A regular rest between workouts is necessary.
【解析】关键句:They engage physically and mentally with their fitness programs, which has many health benefits.她们将身心都投入到训练项目中,这对健康很有益处。与B项“身体和精神都应该投入到运动中”意思相近。
Part C
Read the following text from which five sentences have been removed. Choose from the sentences A-G the most suitable one to fill each numbered gap in the text (41-45). There are TWO extra sentences that do not need to use. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.
In 2009, Dan Black was hit by a car in his hometown of Chepstow, Wales, as he was biking to his job at a grocery store. _41_ During his recovery, he suffered a stroke that rendered his right arm useless. Once a promising guitarist, Dan, now 25, lives with his parents and requires around-the-clock care that costs nearly $300,000 a year.
After the accident, a friend of his started the Help Dan Black Fund to cover some of Dan\’s medical expenses. Dan learned about an experimental stem cell treatment in China that could enable him to walk again. _42_
One day, in 2013, a news story caught the eye of Dan\’s mother, Michaela, who then shared the story with her son. The story featured a five-year-old boy named Brecon Vaughan. _43_ The boy’s family had created a website with which to raise nearly $100,000 needed for a trip to the St. Louis Children\’s Hospital, where treatment was offered that could help Brecon walk. Only half the amount had been raised, said the report.
Dan deliberated. Then, after considering that his own dream of walking could be years away, he donated his $30,000 to Brecon’s cause. “_44_ Brecon doesn’t. He needs it much more than I do.” Dan told a newspaper.
Dan’s generosity received a great deal of attention, and contributions started pouring in to the Vaughan website. _45_ They’ve promised to give the excess funds, about $17,000, to the Tree of Hope charity, which helps sick children in the United Kingdom find specialized medical help. In October, Brecon and his family travelled to St. Louis to begin treatment.
“What Dan did is great.” Brecon;s mother said “It is an extraordinary gift.”
41. ______
[A]I know how it feels to walk.
[B]The family soon exceeded their fund-raising goal.
[C]He had a rare form of disease and never walked by himself.
[D]After four years, donations to help Dan Black totaled nearly $30,000.
[E]The accident left him unable to move from the chest down.
[F]This is the only thing I could do to help him.
[G]His dream to be a musician shattered.
42. ______
[A]I know how it feels to walk.
[B]The family soon exceeded their fund-raising goal.
[C]He had a rare form of disease and never walked by himself.
[D]After four years, donations to help Dan Black totaled nearly $30,000.
[E]The accident left him unable to move from the chest down.
[F]This is the only thing I could do to help him.
[G]His dream to be a musician shattered.
43. ______
[A]I know how it feels to walk.
[B]The family soon exceeded their fund-raising goal.
[C]He had a rare form of disease and never walked by himself.
[D]After four years, donations to help Dan Black totaled nearly $30,000.
[E]The accident left him unable to move from the chest down.
[F]This is the only thing I could do to help him.
[G]His dream to be a musician shattered.
44. ______
[A]I know how it feels to walk.
[B]The family soon exceeded their fund-raising goal.
[C]He had a rare form of disease and never walked by himself.
[D]After four years, donations to help Dan Black totaled nearly $30,000.
[E]The accident left him unable to move from the chest down.
[F]This is the only thing I could do to help him.
[G]His dream to be a musician shattered.
45. ______
[A]I know how it feels to walk.
[B]The family soon exceeded their fund-raising goal.
[C]He had a rare form of disease and never walked by himself.
[D]After four years, donations to help Dan Black totaled nearly $30,000.
[E]The accident left him unable to move from the chest down.
[F]This is the only thing I could do to help him.
[G]His dream to be a musician shattered.
Part D
Read the following text from which 10 words have been removed. Choose from the words A-O the most suitable one to fill each numbered gap in the text (46-55) There are FIVE extra words that do not need to use. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.
Do you give your children money when they perform well at school?
According to a study, such an action could be _46_ to their development, and cause them to be more materialistic as adults. The study suggests that those who were rewarded and spoiled were more likely to think possessions define who they are. “Using material possessions to express love or reward children for their _47_ can have bad effect,” wrote the authors of the study. “It can _48_ materialism in them.”
The authors surveyed 701 adults to measure the long term _49_ of material parenting. They were asked to describe their current life situation and values, and also reported on a _50_ of childhood circumstances, their relationship with their parents, and the rewards and punishments they received.
Results showed adults who had received more material rewards and punishments as children were more likely than others to use possessions to define who they are. And they were likely to continue rewarding themselves with material _51_.
Parents should, therefore, be cautious about using material possessions to express their love and reward their children for good behavior, _52_ the authors. They say _53_ emphasis on material possessions during childhood can have significant effects. It can _54_ “the way for their children to grow up to be more likely than others to _55_ people with expensive possessions and judge success by the kinds of things people own.” the authors conclude.
46. ______
【解析】“be harmful to their development”意思为“不利于他们的成长”。
47. ______
【解析】“reward children for their achievements”意思为“因为取得好成绩而对孩子们予以奖励”。
48. ______
【解析】“It can develop materialism in them”意思为“这会使他们产生物质主义思想”。
49. ______
【解析】“long term impact of material parenting”意思为“物质奖励这一养育方法的长期影响”。
50. ______
【解析】“a variety of childhood circumstances”意思为“各种各样的童年环境”。
51. ______
【解析】“material goods”意思为“物品”。
52. ______
53. ______
【解析】“excessive emphasis on material possessions”意思为“过分强调物质拥有”
54. ______
【解析】“pave the way”意思为“铺设道路”。
55. ______
【解析】“admire people with expensive possessions”意思为“对拥有贵重物品的人心生仰慕之情”。
Section Ⅲ Writing (45 minutes)
You should write your responses to both Part A and Part B of this session on your ANSWER SHEET.
Part A
You work for a foreign company. Now you want to ask for a short period of leave. Write an email to your boss Mr. Smith to tell him:
1) why you want to ask for leave;
2) how long you want to be away;
3) what you plan to do about your current work.
You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your email. Use “Wang Lin” instead.
【解析】写作思路:以“邮件”形式写“请假条”。建议依据提纲要点分别展开,即:请假原因、请假时长、工作交接事宜,请以“Wang Lin”署名。
Part B
Read the text below. Write an essay about 120 words, in which you should summarize the key points of the text and make comments on them. Try to use your own words.
It seems the nation’s younger citizens are finally favoring the beauty of the natural world over the cries of amateur singers.
The BBC has confirmed that the first three episodes of Planet earth Ⅱ have attracted more viewers in the 16 to 34 age group than The X Factor. The best ratings so far were for the second episode, which brought in 1.8 million young viewers compared to The X Factor’s 1.4 million.
The show’s narrator, Sir David Attenborough credited improvements in technology with the show’s increased success in its second season, which have brought animals close to the viewer and made their environments look real.
“You feel like the camera is with the animals.” said producer Mike Gunton. “It\’s very active. For example, you see a monkey leaping through the forest. Normally you\’ll stand back to film that. But here the monkey almost jumps over your shoulder. The camera is running with it. Visually, Planet Earth told you to look down on the Earth and see the scale of the planet. What Planet earth Ⅱ is doing is saying “Let’s get ourselves into the lives of the animals, and see it from their perspective.”
“The music of Hans Zimmer is also a big factor,” added Attenborough. “That pleases me enormously.”
Besides technology and music, Attenborough said that viewers are “reconnecting with a planet whose beauty is spoiled and whose health is falling.” He believes that young people are learning that their future is linked to that of the environment.
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