适用【笔试】【课程编号: 04009】
总问题量( 257 )交际用语) 69 )词汇和语法)阅读理解(单选) 17 )阅读理解)判断) 10 )翻译问题) 32 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )。
交际用语( 69 )—确认目前内容不完整,完整版及相关电脑问题资料中的【鸽电脑网】论文的撰写、指导!
1、—Besides Bank of China,youcangetthemoneyexchangedinindustrialand– ( couldyoutellmewhethericanchangeforeigncurreign
2、—caniexchangeforeigncurrencyinbankofchina? () ),yes,you can.bankofchinaisanauthorizedforeignexchangebank.)
3、—canyoupleasetellmeaboutyourresponsibilities? () ) )、)、yes.iwasinchargeofthenorthwestregionofchina.)。
4、—Could I talk to Prof. Lee?
A. Yes,speaking
5、—couldyougivemeanexampleofgoodteamworkingthere? ()。
b.sure.iwasthetreasurerofthestudents \’ union
A. No problem,Mr. Taylor .
7、—couldyoulookaftermydogformewhilewe \’ re away?
B. With pleasure
8、—Could you please tell me your name? ______
C. Sure. My name is John Taylor .
9、—doyouhaveanysuggestionsaboutit? ()。
C.After I read it in detail,I will tell you my opinion 10,—don’tworrysomuch——,is my job! -(worrying ) 11、- good morning.fareastlogisticscompany.thisislinhanxue.Mayi help you? () ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )。
C. Good morning,ms.Lin.thisisdanielandersonspeaking。
12、—Happy birthday! () ) ) ) )。
a .打电话给我。
13、—hello,David! ihaven \’ theardfromyouforalongtime.howhaveyoubeenrecently? () ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )。
C. Not bad,thank you。
14、—你好! Could I speak to the headmaster,please?
A. Hold on,please
15、—hello,David! How have you been recently? – (
C. Not bad. Thank you
16、—Hello,I\’m Susan. Nice to meet you。
B. Nice to meet you,too。
17、—Hello,sally.what’sthematterwithyou? youlookworried.— ( whatshallidoifacustomerdoesn’tpayupontheduedate? ) )
18、—Hello,I\’m John Taylor,the general manager.and you must be .-( Daniel Anderson.)
19、—Hello,Lucy.How are you? —And you? ()。
A.Fine,thanks .
20、—Help yourself to some fish.—( ).B.Thank you。
21、—Here you are,Sir.—( ).C.Thank you very much。
22、—Hi Bob,I’dliketocongratulateyouontheprogressofbeihaiproject .—( )。
23、—Hi、Lily、what’supwithmike? iheardthebossyellingatmikeearliertoday.— ( it’ssaidthatmikemadeamistakeandthentriedtocoveritup.)
24、—How do you go to school,by bike or by car?
A. By car
25、—howlongdoestheremittancetakefromnewyork? ()。
a.I’m not sure.itdependsonthemodeyourpartnerchose
26、——ibelievedtedonlyfromhisresume.infactheisnotqualifiedforhisjob.–( oh,it’ssuchapity! ) )
27、—ibetthatmikewishedyouhadtoldhimthatearlier .—( )
C. Well,Mike isn\’t a fool,he won\’t do that again。
28、—I can show you around,if you like。
B. Sure. Thank you .
29、——igottoknowtedonlyfromhisresume.infactheisnotqualifiedforhisjob .—( )
A. Oh,it\’ s such a pity!
30、——iwonderwhethericouldacceptthisdiscountornot.— ( whynotconsultwithyourmanager? ) )
31、——it’snicetomeetyouinmyoffice.–( iamheretodaytodiscussthetrademarktransferwithyou.)
32、—Kate、could you answer the telephone、please? ) I \’ ll get it)
a .确定。
33、—letmeshowyouhowtousetheprinter .—( )
B. Thanks for your help .
34、—Linda,you speak English very well。
B. Thank you very much .
35、—mayiknowthecostfora 20 feetcontainerfromguangzhoutola? ()、)、it’S2,300 us dollars.)
36、—Mr. Taylor,nicetoseeyouagain.welcometoourcompany.— ( thank you,ms.Lin.I’vecometoseeyourpackingfackingfacking
37、—Mr. Taylor,thisistheprojectplanyouaskedmetomakelastweek.–( sure.that’saquickjob.)
38、—Nice to see you .一()。
C.Nice to see you,too
39、-oh,but how long will it take to reach LA? () ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )。
B. Usually it takes around 12 days .
40、-oh,but why didn\’t hejust tell someone?
b.hewastooscaredthathewouldbefired,I suppose。
41、—oh.butwhydidn \’ thejustownupandtellsomeone? () ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )。
b.hewastooscaredthathewouldbefired,I suppose。
42、-oh,iamnotfeelingwell.I \’ vegotacold.c.I \’ msorrytohearthat。
43、- pleasemakeadetailedscheduleforme.–( ) yes,I will.( )—Sally,could you lend me your calculator? Mine is not working.(
C. Sure。
45、—Sally,could you lend me your calculator? Mine is not working.—( )
C. Sure,why do you need it?
46、—thankyouverymuchforhelpingme .—( ).A.You\’re welcome。
47、——theseniormanagersneedtheresultsfromlastmonthstraightaway,soican’ts top– ( ok,see you later.) ) )
48、—theseniormanagersneedtheresultsfromlastmonthstraightaway,soican \’ tstoptotalk.I \’ vegottohurry。
C. Ok,see you later .
49、——weareplanningtoregisterthetrademarkofreddragonforyournewproduct.–( isuggestthatyoushouldgiveitup.)
50、——wehadaverysmallbudgetandihadtomakedecisionsonwhattobuy.–( very impressive )
51、—we think $ 55,000 wouldbereasonablefortransferringourtrademark.( ) hat\’s too high。
B. Oh,my goodness。
52、——we think $ 55,000 wouldbereasonablefortransferringourtrademark.–( oh,my goodness.)
53、- we’llhavethesalesmeetingat2: 00 tomorrow afternoon,won’twe? () ) ) yes.afterthemeeting,we’llleaveforshanghai.) )。
54、—Well,after my report,there \’ llbeabreakforrefreshments .—( )
B. All right,I see。
55、—What if he still doesn\’t pay up? () ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )。
c.ifit \’ sasmallamountwewriteitoffasbaddebt.forlargersums
we .
56、—what \’ sthepurposeofyourvisittoday? () ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )。
b.I \’ mintendingtoaskforyouradviceonbranddesign。
57、—When can you effect shipment?
A. Around in June .
58、—When can you effect shipment? I’mworriedaboutlateshipment.— ( aboutinjune.)
59、—When can you effect shipment? _____
A. Around in June .
60、—whenwillyoumeetthegeneralmanagerofnileco .Mr. Smith? ()、)、at10:00Tomorrowmorning.) )。
61、—Where shall we have the meeting?
C. In the first conference room .
62、—Would you like to have some rice? 一().A.Yes,please
63、—Would you please give me some water? 一().B.Certainly。
64、—wouldyoupleaseletmeknowsomethingmoreabouttheproject? () )、确定、ihavepidedmyreportintothreeparts、the first
part is an overview of the project.)
65、—You know,yourparentswishedyouhadtoldthemthetruthearlier
C. Well,truth is not always pleasant
66、——youneedtoworkwithothercolleaguestolookafterthat.–( thanks.I’mgratefulforyoursuggestions.)
67、—yourrequestforcompensationmademesurprised.what happened? — it’sbecauseofthequality.)
68、—-today’srateislistedontheboardhere.— ( what’stheexchangeratetoday? ) )
69、—-itArrivesbymail,Isuppose.—- ( ) ) howdoesyourremittancecome? ) )
词汇与语法( 129 ) –
1、18 oftheeumembershavereplacedtheirnationalcurrenciesbyeuronotesandcoins 2002。
2、声明( betweentheteacherandhisstudent )。
B. goes on
3、A conversation ( ) betweenanintervieweandtheinterviewers.–( goes on ) ) ) ) )。
4、amoderneuropeanstylecafisin the ( area。
C. downtown
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