

文|马老师在长期的英语学习中,时态和语态在英语问题中起着最重要的作用。 这些问题是英语语法中时态和语态派生的主题。 挑战一下吧。 #英语##教育##幼儿教育大家##高考#


1.planningsofarahead _ _ no sense-somanythingswillhavechangedbynextyear。

A. made B. is making

C. makes D. has made

2.bythetimejackreturnedhomefromengland,his son____ from college。

A. graduated B. has graduated

C. had been D. had graduated

3.hisfirstnovel _ _ goodreviewssinceitcameoutlastmonth。

A. receives B. is receiving

C. will receive D. has received

4.)大纲卷) if you don’tlikethedrinkyou _ justleaveitandtryadifferentone。

A. ordered B. are ordering

C. will order D. had ordered

5.experimentsofthiskind _ _ inboththeu.s.andeuropewellbeforethesecondworldwar。

a.haveconductedb.have been conducted


6.Tom _ _ _ inthelibraryeverynightoverthelastthreemonths。

A. works B. worked


7 .—thatmusthavebeenalongtrip .—yeah,it _ _ _ _ _ _ _ usawholeweektogetthere。

A. takes B. has taken

C. took D. was taking

8.—Bob has gone to California. —Oh,canyoutellmewhenhe_____?

A. has left B. left

C. is leaving D. would leaving

9.inthelastfewyearsthousandsoffilms _ _ _ _ _ _ all over the world。

a.haveproducedb.have been produced


10.didyoupredictthatmanystudents _ _ _ _ upforthedancecompetition?

A. would sign B. signed

C. have signed D. had signed

11.When I got on the bus,I _____ I had left my wallet at home。

A. was realizing B. realized

C. have realized D. would realize

12.shewassurprisedtofindthefridgeempty; the child _____ everything!

A. had been eating B. had eaten

C. have eaten D. have been eating

13.wearrivedatworkinthemorningandfoundthatsomebody _ _ _ intotheofficeduringthenight。

A. broke B. had broken

C. has broken D. was breaking

14 .—ihearyou _ _ _ _ ina pub.what’sit like? —Well,it’sveryhardworkandi’malwaystired,buti don’tmind。

A. are working B. will work

C. were working D. will be working

15.In the near future,moreadvancesintherobottechnology _ _ _ _ by scientists。

A. are making B. are made

C. will make D. will be made

16 .—ididn’taskforthenamelist.why _ _ onm ydesk? – iputittherejustnowincaseyouneededit。

A. does it land B. has it landed

C. will it land D. had it landed

17.themanagerwasworriedaboutthepressconferencehisassistant _ _ inhisplacebutluckily,everythingwasgoingonsmooon

A. gave B. gives

C. was giving D. had given

18.Last month,thejapanesegovernmentexpressedtheirthanksfortheaidthey _ _ from China。

A. receive B. are receiving

C. have received D. had received

19.allvisitorstothisvillage _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with kindness。

A. treat B. are treated

C. are treating D. had been treated

20.—What a mistake!

—Yes. I his doing it another way,but without success。

A. was suggesting B. will suggest

C. would suggest D. had suggested


1——5 CDDAD 6——10 CCBBA

11——16 BBBAD 16——20 BCDBD


