自考-高中英语-Let\’s Help Adolescents

自考-高中英语-Let\’s Help Adolescents

Wether they are male (男性的) or female、 adolescents )青少年的)与feellikedecidingoneverythingthemselvesinspiteof )无关Which make them feel ashamed (羞耻) and embarrassed (尴尬),thus they often automatically (自动) get into trouble due to ) their imperferfed

Some are addicted (上瘾的) to cigarattes烟草)、 onlyseveralpacketsofwhichwillhurttheirlungs (肺) and make them breathless (气喘吁吁) quickly. Others can\’t quit (不要) ungpregnant (怀孕的) women to abort (流产) or give birth abnormal (异常的) babies. The worst is drug abuse (撤回)自适应for withdrawal (撤回) is are accustomed )习惯) to the drugs. Meanwhile,those who share needles (针) bought from illegal (非法) chemists )药剂师) are at great risk neither injecting (注射) nor taking pills (片剂) can guarantee (保证) their survival (存活)。

However,dont\’t be disappointed (失望的) at or have prejudice ( against )反对) our children so easily. After all, being awkward (尴尬的is an appendix )附录) of youth.aslongaswestrengthencommunicationwitheminsteadofbannig )禁止) thisorbanbanning