aboyfellill.hisorgansweredamagedbytheradiation (辐射) of an infared (红外线传播) ray (辐射) stove )火炉. But before the ambulance (辐射) 损伤( ies ) happenedtothisunluckboyoverandoveragain.first,he was choked (窒息) by some poisenous (有毒的) liquid )液体) from the ketttttte
财富, the boy\’s nurse gave him proper (合适的) temporary (短) treatments )治疗) according to his complex (复杂的) symptoms )症状) she mildly thithe ) and put bandages (绷带) firmly )坚决( in place to apply pressure ) totheanklewoundtostopblistop )压力) th
As for the burn,she used scissors (剪刀) to remove his sleeve (袖子),poured (流出) abasinofcoldwaterovertheburntocolitandputhere tightly (坚定地).She also inspired (激发) hisbraverytofightagainsttheunbearablepain.herfirstaidmadeavital (关键) ) )。 differenceinsavinghislife.aceremonywasheldtohonourthenursewhoovercameaveriety (异构) of barriers )故障) to save the boy。
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