


1、the country _ _ _ _ _ thisspiritofenterprise。

2、thenwithhisparents’_ _ _ _ _ assist,hestartedupinbusiness-owninghisownairline。

3、Martin _ _ _ _ _ followalotofrichardbranson’spracticesinhisairline。

4、The restrooms were luxurious,clean and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ charmingtissueproducts。

5、aquarterofstudentshadan _ _ _ _ _ businessideasthattheywouldliketopursue。

6、athirdthoughtthatstartinguptheirownbusinesswouldgivethemabetter _ _ _ of living。

7、_ _ _ _ _ theviewsofmanystudentsthatrunningtheirownbusinessisamoreappealingoptionthanbeinganemployee,thesuinesssssssee

8、startingupbusinessisanexciting _ _ _ _ _ _。

9、what _ _ _ _ _ _ _ successorfailurewillimeet?

10、whenalltheabovequestionsareansweredina _ _ _ _ way,itisthehightimetoputthebusinessideaintopractice。

11、hereisthecaseofanenglishteenagerwho _ _ _ _ hisownairline。

12、themarketingmixisprobablythemostfamous _ _ _ _ term。

13、theproductistheitemorservicethatpeoplebuyto _ _ _ aneed。

14、3m didn’tmarketitspost-itnotebycreatinga _ _ _ _ _ setofpricepoints。

15、by making“people”thefocuswhenmarketingpost-it notes,3mcreateda_____productline。

16、priceisnotalways _ _ _ _ _ _ the better。

17、place _ _ _ _ _ tothelocationwhereaproductcanbepurchased。

18、dellusedits _ _ _ _ _ customerrelationshiptostudycustomers’needs。

19、promotionrepresentsallthewaysacompany _ _ _ _ with a customer。

20、themostproductiveworkplacesarethosewhereworkersare _ _ _ _。

21、youmayfeelyourbossorsomeoneelseatworkispickingonyou _ _ _ _。

22、youhavecertainrights _ _ _ _ _ _ in law。

23、D. notified

24、On the other hand,therearesomeworkproblems _ _ _ _ _ employees’misconduct。

25、itisimpossibleto _ _ _ _ _ _ _ workplace problems。

26、itisalwaysbestto _ _ _ _ _ aprobleminformallyifyoucan。

27、If this fails,thenextstageistomakeanofficial _ _ _ _ _。

28、yourresumeshouldbecarefullyputtogetherto _ _ _ _ alltheareasthatmakeyoutherightcandidateforthejobyouareappper

29、longresumesandresumesputtogetherinarushthatdonotshowwhyyouare _ _ foraspecificjobwillnevergetyouinthe

30、onceyouhavereceivedthecallforaninterview,remain ________on the phone。

31、dressisanimportantfirstimpression; make sure you are _ _ _ _ _ _ appropriately。

32、planand _ _ _ _ infrontofamirrorhowyouwillanswerquestions。

33、duringthisentireprocess _ _ _ _ _ _ eyecontactanddonotdriftaway。

34、everyounceofprofessionalismmixedwithsome _ _ _ _ willhelptheinterviewertorememberyou。

35、mostpeoplehavenomajorproblems _ _ _ _ _ work。

36、workplaceproblemscanleadtowork-related _ _ _ _ _ andsomehealthproblems。

37、makenewfriendsfromatleast _ _ _ countries.alwaysaskquestionsthatcanstartfriendlyconversation!

38,_ _ _ class.thiswillensureyourvoiceisheardandyourenglishimproves。

39,_ _ locallawandvalues.dotherightthingandyou’llseethatyouwillgoalongway。

40、makesureyoufulfillthestudent _ _ _ conditions。

41、ifyouworkduringyourtimeinsomewesterncountries,_ _ _ _ whatyourrightsandresponsibilitiesare。

42、your first _ _ _ _ _ totheinterviewisyourresume。

43、ifyouaretryingtogetthejobyouwant,therearethingsyoucandoto _ _ _ your chances。

44、whatcanyoudoto _ _ _ _ alltheresumesanorganizationgetsforaspecificjob?

45、the player who _ _ _ thehighestbonuswillbethewinner。

46、makeapaperdiceusingthematerialyourteacherhandsout,and___the robber in it to add weight。

47、Choose photos,that will ______ your theme。

48、selectacoursethatwillfullyourgoalsandaspirations.do not just _ _ the flow.haveaclearvisionofwhatyouwanttobecoook

49、makeyourapplicationatleastthreemonths _ _ _。

50、attendtheorientationsessionatyourcollegeoruniversity.otherwise,you will _ _ gettingtoknowthecampusandfacilitieer


52,____ your studies,financialandpersonalaffairsthebestyoucan。

53、brisk walk,will reduce your risk。

54、he _ _ _ designanewversionofmonopolywhichshouldassistteachers’workinclassandarousestudents’interestinlears

55、_ _ _ robber _ _ _ adiceofabout cm。

56,_ _ _ yourspacesusingarulerorapencil。

57、thefourcornersboxesaresquareandseven 7.5 _ _ _ 7.5 cm。

58、In addition,the banker _ _ _ record players’performance。

59,_____the task,theplayerwillgetbonusfromthebanker。

60、the decedent’sage