

文都教育给大家带来了2020年应试英语的真题。 大家可能会用2020年高考英语真题作文,凭直觉判断自己的发挥! 编辑建议大家不要这样做。 那么,就来看看2020研究生英语真题和解析完整版吧。

Section I Use of English

Directions :

readthefollowingtext.choosethebestword ( s ) for each numbered blank and mark A,b,cordontheanswersheet.(10points ) )。

Being a good parent is,of course,whateveryparentwouldliketobe.butdefiningwhatitmeanstobeagoodparentisundoubtedlyvery 1, particularlysincechildrenresponddifferentlytothesamestyleofparenting.a calm,rule-followingchildmightrespondbetterttoadifffereting

3、there’sanothersortofparentthatsabiteasierto4: apatientparent.childrenofeveryagebenefitfrompatientparenting.still thisisnoeasy6. sometimesparentsgetexhaustedandfrustratedandareunabletomaintaina7andcomposeedandareunabletomaintaina7and

you’reonlyhuman, andsometimesyourkidscan8youjustalittletoofar.and then the9 happens:youloseyourpatienceandeitherscreamatyourkidsorsaysomethin gin dyanygood.youwishthatyoucould 11 theclockandstartover,we’veallbeenthere :

12、even though it’s common, it’simportanttokeepinmindthatinasinglemomentoffatigue.youcansaysomethingtoyourchildthatyoumay 13 for along time.thismaynoto

ifyouconsistentlyloseyour 15 with your kids.thenyouareinadvertentlymodelingalackofemotionalcontrolforyourkids.wearealllbecoming ingtoleranceandpatiencefortheyoungergeneration.thisisaskillthatwillhelpthemallthroughoutlife.iii CT, theabilitytoemotionallyregulateormaintainemotionalcontrolwhen 17 bystressisoneofthemostimportantofalllife’s skills

Certainly,it’sincredibly 18 tomaintainpatienceatalltimeswithyourchildren.amorepracticalgoalistotry, tothebestofyourabilities tobeastolerantandcomposedasyoucanwhenfacedwith 19 situationsinvolvingyourchildren.icanpromiseyouthis : gthis goal.youandyourchildrenwillbenefitand 20 fromstressfulmomentsfeelingbetterphysicallyandemotionally。

1.[ a ] tedious [ b ] pleasant [ c ] instructive [ d ] tricky答复: d

2.[ a ] in addition [ b ] for example [ c ] at once [ d ] by accident答复: b

3.[ a ] fortunately [ b ] occasionally [ c ] accordingly [ d ] eventually答复: a

4.[ a ] amuse [ b ] assist [ c ] describe [ d ] train答复: c

5.[ a ] while [ b ] because [ c ] unless [ d ] once解答: a

6.[ a ] answer [ b ] task [ c ] choice [ d ] access答复: b

7.[ a ] tolerant [ b ] formal [ c ] rigid [ d ] critical解答: a

8. [A] move [B] drag [C] push [D] send答复: c

9.[ a ] mysterious [ b ] illogical [ c ] suspicious [ d ] inevitable答复: d

10.[ a ] boring [ b ] naive [ c ] harsh [ d ] vague解答: c

11.[ a ] turn back [ b ] take apart [ c ] set aside [ d ] cover up答复: a

12.[ a ] overall [ b ] instead [ c ] however [ d ] otherwise答复: c

13.[ a ] like [ b ] miss [ c ] believe [ d ] regret解答: d

14.[ a ] raise [ b ] affect [ c ] justify [ d ] reflect答复: b

15.[ a ] time [ b ] bond [ c ] race [ d ] cool解答: d

16.[ a ] nature [ b ] secret [ c ] importance [ d ] context答复: c

17.[ a ] cheated [ b ] defeated [ c ] confused [ d ] confronted答复: d

18.[ a ] terrible [ b ] hard [ c ] strange [ d ] wrong答复: b

19.[ a ] trying [ b ] changing [ c ] exciting [ d ] surprising回答: b

20.[ a ] hide [ b ] emerge [ c ] withdraw [ d ] escape答复: b

section ii读我公司


Directions :



ratsandotheranimalsneedtobehighlyattunedtosocialsignalsfromotherssothatcanidentifyfriendstocooperatewithandemiestoavoid.to livingbeings,lolehquinnattheuniversityofcalifornia,San Diego,andhercolleaguestedwhetherrather

theyhousedeightadultratswithtwotypesofroboticrat—onesocialandoneasocial—for5our days.therobotsratswerequiteminimalist, resemblingachunkierversionofacomputermousewithwheels-tomovearoundandcolorfulmarkings。

During the experiment,thesocialrobotratfollowedthelivingratsaround,played with the same toys,andopenedcagedddooorstolettrapppedratind theasocialrobotsimplymovedforwardsandbackwardsandsidetoside


across 18三角剖分, thelivingratswere 52 percentmorelikelyonaveragetosetthesocialrobotfreethantheasocialone.thissugeststhattheratsperceivedtheso co eing.theymayhavebondedmorewiththesocialrobotbecauseitdisplayedbehaviourslikecommunalexploringandplayling.thiscouldlleadtong ngfreeditearlier,andwantingtherobottoreturnthefavourwhentheygettrapped,Sayy

thereadinessoftheratstobefriendthesocialrobotwassurprisinggivenitsminimaldesign.therobotwasthesamesizeasaregularratbutbutresemb ls .“we’dassumedwe’dhavetogiveitamovingheadandtail,facial features,andputasceneonittomakeitsmelllikearealrat,butthatttttthattttttte

thefindingshowsensitiveratsaretosocialcues,evenwhentheycomefrombasicrobots.similarly,childrentendtreatreatrobobotsasifthasiftttthed evenwhentheydisplayonlysimplesocialsignals .“wehumansseemtobefascinatedbyrobots,anditturnsoutotheranimalsaretoo,”sayswimaretoo


[ a ] pickupsocialsignalsfromnon-living rats

[ b ] distinguishafriendlyratfromahostileone

[ c ] attainsociabletraitsthroughspecialtraining

[ d ] sendoutwarmingmessagestotheirfellow

22.whatdidthesocialrobotdoduringtheexperiment? c ) c

[A] It followed the social robot。

[B] It played with some toys。

[C] It set the trapped Tats free。

[D]It moved around alone。

23. According to Quinn,theratsreleasedthesocialrobotbecausetheyb。

[ a ] triedtopracticeameansofescape

[ b ] expectedittodothesameinreturn

[ c ] wantedtodisplaytheirintelligence

[ d ] consideredthataninterestinggame

24. James Wiles notes that rats C .

[ a ] canrememberotherrat’sfacialfeatures

[ b ] differentiatesmellsbetterthansizes

[ c ] respondmoretocationsthantolooks

[ d ] canbescaredbyaplasticboxonwheels


[ a ] appeartobeadaptabletonewsurroundings

) b ) aremoresociallyactivethanotheranimals

[ c ] behavedifferentlyfromchildreninsocializing

[ d ] aremoresensitivetosocialcuesthanexpected


itisfashionabletodaytobashbigbusiness.andthereisoneissueonwhichthemanycriticsagree:CEO pay.wehearthatceosarepaidtomuch (英文版) orthattheyrigothers’pay,orthattheirpayisinsufficientlyrelatedtopositiveoutcomes.butthemorelikelytruthisceopayislargelycargelycatcatcames

itistruethatceopayhasgoneup—toponesmaymake 300 timesthepayoftypicalworkersonaverage,and since the mid-1970s, ceopayforlargepubliclytradedamericancorporationshas,by varying estimates,goneupbyabout 500 %.thetypicalceofatopamerican

wileindividualcasesofoverpaymentdefinitelyexist,in general,thedeterminantsofceopayarenotsomysteriousandnotsomiredincoruption overallceocompensationforthetopcompaniesrisesprettymuch.inlockstepwithevalueofthosecompaniesonthestockmarket。

thebestmodelforunderstandingthegrowthofceopay,though, isthatoflimitedceotalentinaworldwherebusinessopportunitiesforthetopfirmsaregrowingrapidly.theeffortsofamerica’s highest-ee ynamicelementsoftheglobaleconomy.it’snotpopulartosay,utonereasontheirpayhasgoneupsomuchisthatceosreallyhaveuppedtheirgamam

today’sceo,at least for major American firms, musthavemanymoreskillsthansimplybeingableto“runthecompany .”ceosmusthaveagoodsenseoffinancialmarketsandmaybevenhowthecompomppato soneedbetterpublicrelationsskillsthantheirpredecessors、 asthecostsofevenaminorslipupcanbesignificant.then there’sthefactthatlargeamericancompaniesaremuchmoreglobalizedthaneverbefofore ossalargernumberofcountries.toleadinthatsystemrequiresknowledgethatisfairlymind-boggling。

thereisyetanothertrend:virtuallyallmajoramericancompaniesarebecomingtechcompanies,onewayoranother.anagribusinessscompany fompany mayfocusonrdinhighlyit-intensiveareassuchasgenomesequencing.similarly,itishardtodoagoodjobrunningthewaltdisneycompanyjusyjusing youalsoneedtobuildafirmcapableofcreatingsignificantcgiproductsforanimatedmoviesatthehighestlevelsoftechnicalstionationanandwon

On top of all of this,majorceosstillhavetodothejobtheyhavealwaysdone—whichincludesmotivatingemployees,serving as an internal role helpingtodefineandextendacorporateculture,understandingtheinternalaccounting, andpresentingbudgetsandbusinessplanstotheboard.goodceosaresomeoftheworld’smostpotentcreatorsandhavesomeoftheverydepeststskid

26.whichofthefollowinghascontributedtoceopayrise? c ) c





27.comparedwiththeirpredecessors,today’sceosarerequiredto _ d _。





28.ceopayhasbeenrisingsincethe 1970 s despite _ b _。

A. continual internal opposition

B. strict corporate governance


D. repeated governance warnings

29.highceopaycanbejustifiedbythefactthatithelps _ d _。

A. confirm the status of CEOs

B. motive inside candidates

C. boost the efficiency of CEOs

D. increase corporate value

30.themostsuitabletitleforthistextwouldbe _ a _。

A. CEOs Are Not Overpaid

B. CEO Pay: Past and Present


D. CEO Traits: Not Easy to Define


madridwashailedasapublichealthbeaconlastnovemberwhenitrolledoutambitiousrestrictionsonthemostpollutingcars.sevenmonthsandone anewconservativecitycouncilsuspendedenforcementofthecleanairzone,afirststeptowarditspossibledemise。

mayorjoseluismartnez-almeidamadeoppositiontothezoneacentrepieceofhiselectioncampaign, despiteitssuccessinimprovingairquality.ajudgehasnowoverruledthecity \’ sdecisiontostoplevyingfines,orderingthemreinstated .

Among other weaknesses,themeasurescitiesmustemploywhenlefttotackledirtyairontheirownarepoliticallycontentious, andthereforevulnerable.that’sbecausetheyinevitablyputthecostsofcleaningtheairontoindividualdrivers—whomustpayfesorbuybers 制造成本管理系统。

it’snothardtoimagineasimilarreversalhappeninginlondon.the new ultra-lowemissionzone ( ulez ) ) ) ) ) ection.andifsadiqkhanwinsandextendsittothenorthandsouthcircularroadsin 2021 Ashe intends,itissuretosparkintenseoppositionfromom

it \’ snotthatmeasuressuchaslondon \’ sulezareuseless.farfromit.localofficialsareusingtheleversthatareavailabletothemtosafege us threat.thezonesdodeliversomeimprovementstoairquality,andthesciencetellsusthatmeansrealhealthbenefits-fewerheartatattttttttacks


restrictionsthatkeephighlypollutingcarsoutofcertainareas—city centres,“school streets”, evenindividualroads-arearesponsetotheabsenceofalargerefforttoproperlyenforceexistingregulationsandrequireautocompaniestobrinestobrinstingestioretinstioled ance.waleshasintroducedspeciallowspeedlimitstominimisepollution.weredoingeverythingbutinsistthatmanufer

31.whichofthefollowingistrueaboutmadrid’scleanairzone? d

[A] Its effects are questionable

[B] It has been opposed by a judge

[C] It needs tougher enforcement

[D] Its fate is yet to be decided

32.whichisconsideredaweaknessofthecity-levelmeasurestotackledirtyair? d

[ a ] theyarebiasedagainstcarmanufacturers。

[ b ] theyproveimpracticalforcitycouncils。

[ c ] theyaredeemedtoomildforpoliticians。

[ d ] theyputtoomuchburdenonindividualmotorists。


[ a ]资产字符串响应。

[ b ] ensure Khan’selectoralsuccess。

[ c ] improve the city’s traffic。

[ d ]分发卡制造。

34.whodoestheauthorthinkshouldhaveaddressedtheproblem? d

[ a ]本地结果

[B] Mayors .

[C] Councilors .

[ d ]国家地理空间。


[ a ] willraiselow -加密产品

[ b ] shouldbeforcedtofollowregulations

[ c ] willupgradethedesignoftheirvehicles

[ d ] shouldbeputunderpublicsupervision


nowthatmembersofgenerationzaregraduatingcollegethisspring-the most commonly-accepteddefinitionsaysthisgenerationwasbornafter sbeenrisingsteadilyinrecentweeks.genzsareabouttohitthestreetslookingforworkinalabormarketthaaarket’stighterthanitsbeeeenindecece onhiringabout 17 percentmorenewgraduatesforjobsintheu.s.this year than accordingtoasurveyconductedbythenationalassociationofcolon antstoknowhowthepeoplewhowillsooninhabit oseemptyofficecubicleswilldifferfromthosewhocamebeforethem。

if“entitled”isthemostcommonadjective,fairly or not,appliedtomillennials ( thosebornbetween 1981 and 1995 ), thecatchwordsforgenerationzarepracticalandcautious.accordingtothecareercounselorsandexpertswhostudythem,generation zs are cleclem economic pragmatists.despitegraduatingintothebesteconomyinthepast 50 years、 genzsknowwhataneconomictrainwrecklookslike.theywereimpressionablekidsduringthecrashof 2008、 whenmanyoftheirparentslosttheirjobsortheirlifesavingsorboth.theyaren’tinterestedintakinganychances.theboomingeconomyseeee isunderlyinggenerationalsenseofanxiousurgency,especiallyforthosewhohavecollegedebt.collegeloanbalancesintheu.s.nowstanstan

onesurveyfromaccenturefoundthat 88 percentofgraduatingseniorsthisyearchosetheirmajorwithajobinmind.ina 2019 surveyofuniversityof meanwhile,thecareerofficefoundthemostdesirabletraitinafutureemployerwastheabilitytooffersecureemployment ( and training ), and then inspiring purpose ).jobsecurityorstabilitywasthesecondmostimportantcareergoal ( work-lifebalancewasnummal folllowedbyal )

36.generationzsgraduatingcollegethisspring _ _ d _ _ _。

[ a ] arerecognizedfortheirabilities

[B] are in favor of job offers

[ c ] areoptimisticaboutthelabormarket

[ d ] aredrawinggrowingpublicattention

37.generationzsarekeenlyaware _ _ _ _ a _ _ _。

[ a ] whatatougheconomicsituationislike

[ b ] whattheirparentsexpectofthem

[ c ] howtheydifferfrompastgenerations

[ d ] howvaluableacounselor’sadviceis

38.the word“assuage”( line 9,para 2) is closet in meaning to _ _ b _ _ _。

[A] define

[B] relieve

[C] maintain

[D] deepen

39.itcanbelearnedfromparagraph3thatgenerationzs _ _ d _ _ _ _。

[ a ] carelittleabouttheirjobperformance

[ b ] givetopprioritytoprofessionaltraining

[ c ] thinkithardtoachievework-life balance

[ d ] haveaclearideaabouttheirfuturejob

40.michelsenthinksthatcomparedwithmillennials,generation zs are _ _ b _ _ _。

[ a ]线性关系

[B] less adventurous

[ c ]移动数字

[D] more generous


Directions :

readthefollowingtextandanswerthequestionsbychoosingthemostsuitablesubheadingfromthelista-gforeachnumberedparagraphs ( 41-41 ) whichyoudonotneedtouse.markyouranswersontheanswersheet.( 10 points )

[A] Give compliments,just not too many .

[B] Put on a good face,always。

[C] Tailor your interactions .

[D] Spend time with everyone。

[E] Reveal,don’thideinformation。

[F] Slow down and listen .

[ g ] putyourselvesinothers’shoes。


isitpossibletolikeeveryoneinyouroffice? thinkabouthowtoughitistogettogether 15 people,much less 50,whoallgetalongperfectly.butunlikeinfriendships, youneed coworkers.youworkwiththemeverydayandyoudependonthemjustastheydependonyou.herearesomewaysthatyoucangetthewholeoffice

41.[E] Reveal,don’thideinformation。

ifyouhaveabonetopickwithsomeoneinyourworkplace、 youmaytrystaytight-lippedaroundthem.but you won’tbehelpingeitheroneofyou.aharvardbusinessschoolstudyfoundthatobserverscorscoound

while those who hid lost trustworthiness. The lesson is not that you should make your personal life an open book, but rather, when given the option to offer up details about yourself or painstakingly conceal them, you should just be honest.

42.[F] Slow down and listen.

Just as important as being honest about yourself is being receptive to others. We often feel the need to tell others how we feel, whether it’s a concern about a project, a stray thought, or a compliment. Those are all valid, but you need to take time to hear out your coworkers, too. In fact, rushing to get your own ideas out there can cause colleagues to feel you don’t value their opinions. Do your best to engage coworkers in a genuine, back-and-forth conversation, rather than prioritizing your own thoughts.

43.[D] Spend time with everyone.

It’s common to have a “cubicle mate” or special confidant in a work setting. But in addition to those trusted coworkers, you should expand your horizons and find out about all the people around you. Use your lunch and coffee breaks to meet up with colleagues you don’t always see. Find out about their lives and interests beyond the job. It requires minimal effort and goes a long way. This will help to grow your internal network, in addition to being a nice break in the work day.

44.[A] Give compliments, just not too many.

Positive feedback is important for anyone to hear. And you don’t have to be someone’s boss to tell them they did an exceptional job on a particular project. This will help engender good will in others. But don’t overdo it or be fake about it. One study found that people responded best to comments that shifted from negative to positive, possibly because it suggested they had won somebody over.

45.[C] Tailor your interactions.

This one may be a bit more difficult to pull off, but it can go a long way to achieving results. Remember in dealing with any coworker what they appreciate from an interaction. Watch out for how they verbalize with others. Some people like small talk in a meeting before digging into important matters, while other are more straightforward. Jokes that work one person won’t necessarily land with another. So, adapt your style accordingly to type. Consider the person that you’re dealing with in advance and what will get you to your desired outcome.

Section III Translation

Directions:Translate the following text into Chinese. Write your translation neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)

It’s almost impossible to go through life without experiencing some kind of failure. People who do so probably live so cautiously that they go nowhere. Put simply, they\’re not really living at all. But, the wonderful thing about failure is that it\’s entirely up to us to decide how to look at it.

We can choose to see failure as “the end of the world,” or as proof of just how inadequate we are. Or, we can look at failure as the incredible learning experience that it often is. Every time we fail at something. we can choose to look for the lesson we’re meant to learn. These lessons are very important, they’re how we grow, and how we keep from making that same mistake again. Failures stop us only if we let them.

Failure can also teach us things about ourselves that we would never have learned otherwise. For instance, failure can help you discover how strong a person you are. Failing at something can help you discover your truest friends, or help you find unexpected motivation to succeed.





Section IV Writing

Part A

46. Directions:

Suppose you are planning a tour of a historical site for a group of international students. Write an email to

1) tell them about the site, and

2) give them some tips for the tour

Please write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do not use your own name, use “Li Ming”instead. (10 points)



Dear friends,

As a member of the Students Union, I am writing this letter to inform you that we are going to visit the Forbidden City next week.

As you know, the Forbidden City, which is also known as the Palace Museum, embodies this nations profound and diversified ancient culture with its magnificent architecture and precious treasures. During this trip, it is advisable to pay closer attention to the tourist introduction of each site,which includes its origin, cultural background as well as translation in multiple languages.

I hope that you will enjoy the journey. If you have any further question, please do not hesitate to reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming








Part B


Write an essay based on the chart below. In your writing, you should

1) interpret the chart, and

2) give your comments

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)



The above chart provides a series of impressive data regarding how college students using their smart phones To be concrete, the percentage of studying occupies 58 percent, ranking the first one in the graph, followed by referring to materials whose proportion reaches 28 percent, with having fun and other purposes accounting for 12 percent, and 2 percent respectively.

There is no denying in saying that in recent decades, the number of college students using their smart phone to study has been steadily and continuously increasing due to the fact that the advancement of modern society’s technology. Besides, it is not hard to understand that smart phone has become a necessary part in college student’s daily life, thus attracting an increasing number of students to enjoy themselves by their phone. Furthermore, with people’s living styles changing, students prefer to develop their social life on internet and find more useful information to satisfy their academic and life’s needs.

So what will be the possible tendency of the phenomenon reflected by the chart in the future? From my perspective, this established tendency is positive and acceptable. As a result, it is unnecessary for the public to regard it with apprehension.




