there be句型高考真题,there be句型中考真题

there be句型高考真题,there be句型中考真题

lovemakespeopleinventive.—— France/j.b.poquelinmoliere

爱刺激了人的创造性。 ——法莫里哀


forthere _ _ _ successful communication,theremustbeattentivenessandinvolvementinthediscussionitselfbyallpresent。

A. is

B. to be

C. will be

D. being


答案: b


there be句型的非谓词格式: there to be,there being和there having been。 请注意,通常在前置词后加上“there being”,但前置词for后只能用there to be。


For there to be no mistake,youmustrecktheresultsgotfromtheexperiment。



常用“there be”句型

1、There is /are主语:

thereareoneortwothingsi \’ dliketodotonight .我今晚有一两件事想做。

2、There was /were主语:

There was a car ready for us .为我们有一辆备用车。

3、There will be主语:

ihopetherewillbeachangeintheweather .希望天气会变。

4、There\’s going to be /There\’s to be主语:

There\’s going to be a storm .狂风大作。

There is to be a meeting this evening .今晚有会议。


There can be a bold plan .也许有大胆的计划。

6、therehas(have/had ) been主语:

therehavebeenmanygreatchangesinthefactorysincelastyear .自去年以来已在工厂发货


7、There be形容词to be主语:

There\’s sure to be some rain tonight .今晚一定会下雨。

8、thereseem(appear/happen ) to be主语:

thereseemstobesomethingwrongwiththeengine .引擎好像有点不对劲。


therestandsabridgeacrosstheriveroverthere .那边的河里有桥。

10、There be v-ed主语:

thereissaidtobeoilunderthenorthsea .据说北海下面有石油。

11、there is something ( nothing/somebody )/Is there anything定语:

Is there anything the matter? 有什么问题吗?

12、thereisnothing(notanything ) like )…无所不能:

thereisnothinglikemineralwatertoquenchone \’ s thirst .矿泉水是解渴的最好饮料。

13、There is no v-ing :

There is no accounting for tastes .“韩文”因人而异。

14、没有thereis(no ) room for )有…的余地。

There is no room for you to lodge .没有你住的地方。

15 There is no point in v-ing .没有意义/没有道理/徒劳:

thereisnopointinmakingthesamesuggestions .再提出同样的建议也没有意义。

16thereisnouse(in ) v-ing .没有用/没有好处:

therewasnouseinhidingthefactfromhimself .对本人隐瞒事实没有好处。

17、There is no /some question的使用方法:

“thereisnoquestion(but ) that-从句”毫无疑问

“there isno/somequestionabout/asto/of -短语”无可置疑/有疑问

18、不需要There is no need :

nowtherewasnoneedtopretendshockandgrief .没有必要假装震惊或悲伤。

19、There to be”结构【用作主语和宾语】:

fortheretobesofewpeopleinthestreetwasunusual .街上这么少的人很少见。