I. Listening Comprehension
Section A
Directions: In Section A,youwillheartenshortconversationsbetweentwospeakers.attheendofeachconversation, aquestionwillbeaskedaboutwhatwassaid.theconversationsandthequestionswillbespokenonlyonce.afteryouhearaconversationandthequationd about it,readthefourpossibleanswersonyourpaper,anddecidewhichoneisthebestanswertothequestionyouhaveheard。
1. A. Good novels. B. The 20th? 中心。
C. He met a doctor. D. He sneezed .
3. A. Excited. B. Interested。
C. Happy. D. Annoying .
4. A. In Xi\’an. B. In Chengdu。
C. In the company. D. At home。
B. He didn\’t take exercise before。
C. He had a healthy diet before。
D. He is leading a healthier life now .
6. A. Nutrition. B. Mud。
C. Pesticides. D. Water .
7. A. The habit of learning .
c .运输写入。
B. She likes tennis。
9. A. He forgot to repair his car .
b.heforgottochargehiscarbattery .
C. He forgot to refuel his car .
B. Dealing with the budget。
c .就绪预算报告。
Section B
directions:insectionbyouwillheartwoshortpassages,and one longer conversation, aftereachpassage.thepassagesorconversationyouwillbeaskedseveralquestions、thepassagesandtheconversationwillbereadtwice、 butthequestionswillbespokenonlyonce.whenyouhearaquestion,readthefourpossibleanswersonyourpaperanddecidewhichoneisthebestang
question S11 through 13 arebasedonthefollowingpassage。
11. A. When they meet strangers .
B. When they start a new project .
D. When they enter unknown areas。
B. Because he was sincere .
D. Because he had a note book with him。
questions 14 through 16 arebasedonthefollowingtalk.14.a.creativityisproductionofsomethingoriginalanduseful。
c.creativityisproductionoftherightbrain,enhancing by arts.\’
questions 17 through 20 arebasedonthefollowingconversation.17.a.teachinginaremotevillage。
B. A volunteer experience .
C. A part time job
d .人员。
20. A. Passion. B. Funds。
c.perseverance.d.acknowledge ment.\’
II. Grammar and Vocabulary
Section A
directions:afterreadingthepassagesbelow,fillintheblankstomakethepassagescoherentandgrammaticallycorrect.fortheblankswithswith fillineachblankwitheproperforrer for the other blanks,useonewordthatbestfitseachblank。
natureisfullofwonders.in _ _ 21 _ _ isoneofthemostbreathtakingsightsinnaturemillionsofbabyridleyturtlesbrokeoutoftthe ertttttttteresbrokesbrokeokeoooouttttttthe inori SSA.thebabyturtlesstartedtheirjourneytowardsthebayofbengal _ _ 22 _ _ omtheirnestinthesoutherndistrictofganjam
orissaisthehometothreemassnestingsitesoftheoliverturtles,a species _ _ _ ( threaten ) with extinction and one of the _ _ _ 24 _ _ around 70to 80 millionturtleslayeggsonthebeacheveryyear,isconsidered
thefemaleturtlesdrag _ _ 25 _ _ _ _ upthebeachfromthesea,dig a nest,lay at least one hundred eggs,coverandconder and thth thefemalesnevervisitthenestagaintotakecareoftheeggsthat _ _ _ ( deposit ) ii
thebabyturtlesemergefromtheeggsafter 45—60 days,thenthebabiesgrowwithouttheirmother,whichisararephenomenoninature.intere
In the recent years,seaerosionhasledtomanyturtles’nest _ _ _ _ _ ( damage ) or destroyed. Also, somefierceanimalssuchasdogsandbirds _ _ _ _ 29 _ _ ( reduce ) the number of nesting turtles,and.ofcoursemanhasalsohadsalsohadbirds
21._ _ _ _ _ 22._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 23._ _ _ _ 24._ _ _ 25._ _ 24
26._ _ _ _ _ _ 27._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 28._ _ _ _ _ _ 29._ _ _ _ _ 2306;
Section B
a.counting b.determintedc.distraction d.environmental
e.focusf.modified g.naturally h.performing
I.worsening j.comprehensive lyk.significant
Myopia,or short-sightedness,isaconditioninwhichdistantobjectsappearblurred, butcloserobjectscanusuallybeseeninsharpfocus its biological basis is an eye that,during childhood, hasgrowntoolongforitsopticalpower.thefocalplaneforimagesofdistantobjectsendsupinfrontoftheretina,causingout-of-_____
myopiawasonceregardedasalmosttotallygenetically _ _ _ 32 _ _.butitsprevalencehasincreasedspectacularlyin _ rbanmanumanue Japan and South Korea,where 80-90 % ofthosecompletinghighschoolarenowshort-sighted.thisisupfrom 20-30 % onlytwogenerationg thesemassivechangesmustbedueto _ _ _ 33 _ _ change.in 2005, we _ _ 34 _ _ reviewedtheresearchonmyopiaandfoundacorrelationwitheducation.( thiswasnotaparticularlynovelinsion.) suchalinkwaspostulatedasfarbackaskeplerin 1604.) wefoundlocationswithahighprevalenceofmyopiawerealltoperformersinsurveysofing
Fortunately,not all high -____35____ locations,Australia among them, showedahighprevalenceofmyopia.thisshowsthathigheducationaloutcomesdonotnecessarilyleadtomyopia.wealsohypothesizedthatatallllhulhutedtttomed encytodevelopmyopiaunderparticularenvironmentalconditions.indeed,northamericaandeuropehaveseengrowingratesofmyopia,althoted
acommoncutofforhighmyopiais-5 diopters.thismeansvisionisblurredbeyond 20 cmfromtheeyes.suchsevereorhighmyopiaincreaseseswith atcan \’ tbe corrected.theprevalenceofhighmyopiahasnowreached 20 % inyoungadultsineastandsoutheast,whichforeshadowsmajorincred
Australia has _ _ 37 _ _ lowlevelsofmyopiawithalifestylethatemphasizesoutdoorsactivities.youngchildrenreportservice day not _ _ 38 _ _ _ _ timeoutdoorsatschool.however, thereareformidablebarrierstoachievingthisbenchmarkinlocationswherespendingtimeoutdoorsisseenasa _ _ _ 39 _ _ froors smu smu smu foors nofMyopia,thephenomenoninwhichmildto _ _ 40 _ _ _ myopiabecomesmoresevereduringchildhood.thereiscurrentlycontroversyoversyoveroversyoversyolto
31._ _ _ _ _ 32._ _ _ _ _ _ _ 33._ _ _ _ 34._ _ _ _ 35._ _ 35
36._ _ _ _ _ 37._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 38._ _ _ _ _ _ 39._ _ _ _ _ _ _ 35306;
III. Reading Comprehension
Section A
we’retoldthatwritingisdying.typingonkeyboardsandscreens _ _ 41 _ _ writtencommunicationtoday.learningcurray joisd utnow、 这是not somuch.countriessuchasfinlandhavedroppedjoined-uphandwritinglessonsinschools _ _ 43 _ _ typing courses .的restandardssince 2013.afewusstatesstillplacevalueonformativecursiveeducation,formativecursiveeducation
someexpertspointoutthatwritinglessonscanhaveindirect _ _ 45 _ _.annetrubek、 authorofthehistoryanduncertainfek arguesthatsuchlessonscanreinforceaskillcalledautomaticity.that \’ swhenyou \’ veperfectedatastastastic andcandoitalmostwithoutthinking _ _ _ 46 _ _ _ youextramentalbandwidthtothinkaboutordootherthingswhileyou’redoingthetathetatttttayou
“Once you have driven for a while, youdon \’ t _ _ 48 _ _ _ think‘stepongasnow’[ or ] “turnthesteeringwheelabit”she explains .“you just doit.that \’ swhatwewantchildrento _ _ 49 _ _ whenlearningtows .” tter’r’on the keyboard.trubekhaswrittenmanyessaysandbooksonhandwriting,andshedoesn \’ tbelieveitwilldieoutforavery1ONG timime “if ever”. butshebelievesstudentsarelearningautomaticityfasterwithkeyboardsthanwithhandwriting:studentsarelearninghowtyphotyphotyphowttypareting __50____ ages,andtotypefasterthantheycouldwrite,grantingthemextratimetothinkaboutwordchoiceorsentencestructure for the New York Times last year,trubekarguedthatduetotheimprovedautomaticityofkeyboards,today \’ schildrenmaywelbecomebetttercomoms
sheexplainsthattwoofthemostcommonargumentsshehearsfromdetractorsregardingthedeclineofhandwritingisthatnot _ _ _ 5374; 53 _ 3
ontheformershe _ _ 54 _ _ _ that 95 % ofhandwrittenmanuscriptscan \’ tbereadbytheaveragepersonanyway—“that \’ s what” pleographybeingthestudyofancientstylesofwriting—whilethelatterreferstothewarm _ _ 55 _ _ wegivetohandwritteer suchachatter
41.a.abandon sb.dominatesc.entersd.absorbs
42.a.compulsory b.opposite c.cruciald.relevant
43. A. in want of B. in case of
C. in favour of D. in addition to
44.a.quantity b.minimumc.qualityd.majority
45. A. responsibility B. benefits
C. resources D. structure
46.a.granting b.gettingc.bringing d.com ing
47.a.sleeping b.drivingc.reviewing d.operating
48. A. eventually B. constantly
C. equivalently D. consciously
51.a.handwriting b.addingc.formingd.understanding
52. A. trust B. look C. view D. smile
53.a.containing b.spreading c.choosing d.protecting
54.a.commitsb.countersc.completesd.com poses
55. A. associations B. resources
Section B
directions:readthefollowingthreepassages.eachpassageisfollowedbyseveralquestionsorunfinishedstatements.foreachofthemthemthem candd.choosetheonethatfitsbestaccordingtotheinformationgiveninthepassageyouhavejustread。
( a ) ) )。
The Work You Do,the Person You Are
allihadtodoforthetwodollarswascleanherhouseforafewhoursafterschool.itwasabeautifulhouse,too,with aplastic-coveredsofantic wall-to-wall blue-and-white carpeting,a white enamel stove,awashingmachineandadryer—thingsthatwerecommoninhernerneighboryer
iknewhowtoscrubfloorsonmykneesandhowtowashclothesinourzinctub,butihadneverseenahoovervacumcleaneroranironthatwasn \’ the ated
partofmyprideinworkingforherwasearningmoneyicouldsquander:on movies,candy,paddleballs,jacks, ice-cream cones.butalargerpartofmypridewasbasedonthefactthatigavehalfmywagestomymother, whichmeantthatsomeofmyearningswereusedforrealthings—an insurance-policypaymentorwhatwasowedtothemilkmanortheiceman,theplleman burdensome mouths to feed,nuisances to be corrected, problemssoseverethattheywereabandonedtotheforest.ihadastatusthatdoingroutinechoresinmyhousedidnotprovide—anditearnedmeasl ovide an approving nod from an adult,Confirmations that I was adultlike,not childlike,
In those days,the forties,childrenwerenotjustlovedorliked; theywereneeded.theycouldearnmoney; theycouldcareforchildrenyoungerthanthemselves; they could work he farm,take care of the herd,run errands,andmuchmore.isuspectthatchildrenaren’tneededinthatwaynow.theyareleled
Little by little,igotbetteratcleaningherhouse—goodenoughtobegivenmoretodo,much more.iwasorderedtocarrybookcasesupstairsangesttairstiorstion tomoveapianofromonesideofaroomtotheother,ifellcarryingthebookcases.andafterpushingthepianomyarmsandlegshurtsobadly or but I was afraid she would fire me,andiwouldlosethefreedomthedollargaveme, aswellasthestandingihadathome—althoughbothwereslowlybeingeroded.shebegantooffermeherclothes,fora price.impressedbythesed whichlookedsimplygorgeoustoalittlegirlwhohadonlytwodressestoweartoschool,iboughtafew.untilmymotheraskedmeifireallywantedtored
提尔, ihadtroublesummoningthecouragetodiscussorobjecttotheincreasingdemandsshemade.andiknewthatifitoldmymotherhowunhappyiwasshe woud one day,alone in the kitchen with my father,iletdropafewwhinesaboutthejob.igavehimdetails,examples of what troubled me, yet although he listened intently,I saw no sympathy in his eyes. No “Oh,youpoorlittlething .”perhapsheunderstooodtwhatiwantiwanted not an escape from it,In any case,he put down his cup of coffee and said,\’ listen.youdon \’ t live there.youlivehere.withyourpeople
Whatever the work is,doit well—notforthebossbutforyourself。
You make the job; it doesn\’t make you。
Your real life is with us,your family。
You are not the work you do; you are the person you are。
ihaveworkedforallsortsofpeoplesincethen,geniuses and morons,quick-witted and dull, bigheartedandnarrow.I \’ vehadmanykinds butsincethatconversationwithmyfatherihaveneverconsideredtheleveloflabortobethemeasureoore
56. What is the “pleasure \”,oftheauthorfromthesentence.\” thepleasureofbeingnecessarytomyparentswasprofound.\”
B. Her own value of being needed .
c.sheisdistinctivefromthosechildreninfolktales .
57. According to the article,whichofthefollowingistrueaboutchildreninthe 1940 sand now?
A. Children become needed,lovedandlikedwhentheyareatforty。
c.children in 1940 sarecapableastheycanhandlevariousdailyroutine。
d.childreninmoderntimesaren \’ tneededtododailyworksanymore。
58.whatdidtheauthor \’ sfathermakeherunderstand?
a.don \’ tescapefromdifficultiesatwork。
B. Whatever decision she made,her father would support her。
59.whichofthefollowingcorrespondstotheauthor \’ sviewsinthepassage?
a.don \’ tregardworkachievementasacriterionforevaluatingoneself。
geography—globalizationanddevelopmentmajor ( b.a.) )。
geographersareinterestedinthespatialpatternsobservedonearth.bridgingthenaturalandsocialsciences、 geographyistheinterdisciplinarystudyofenvironmentsandhowpeopleinteractwiththeenttostudygeographybecausecaustionment quireunderstandingtheinterdependencebetweenhumanactivitiesandtheenvironment.geographyisthereforeabenefore jorforstudentsbecantsbecabecacacaced ovidethemwithanalyticalskillsrelevanttooccupationsfocusedonsolvingsocialandenvironnialand
eography offers eight majors that help students tailor their focus of study.
The Geography—Globalization and Development major will provide students with a sophisticated understanding of contemporary global issues and a geographical framework for analyzing key issues involved in national and international development, especially as it relates to the global south. Reflecting the discipline of geography as a whole, this major emphasizes an integrated approach to studying the relationship of global change to individual and community well-being by combining the benefits of area studies with theoretical and topical investigations in the curriculum.
Our department is committed to excellence in both teaching and advising. Several of our faculty members have received teaching awards, and we are known across campus for the quality of our advising. As a geography major, you will meet one-on-one with your faculty advisor every semester during advising week, and you are always welcome to talk with your advisor at any time throughout the semester whenever questions may arise. In addition to advising our students about their academic programs, we provide timely information about internships, nationally competitive awards, and other opportunities as they arise, Many of our students\’ complete internships and several of our students over the last few years have received nationally competitive awards.
For more information about our program, please view this video, visit our website, or contact our Undergraduate Chair, whose information is listed above.
Admissions Information
Freshmen/ First-Year Admission
No requirements beyond University admission requirements.
Change of Program Policy
No selective or limited admission requirements.
External Transfer Admission
No requirements beyond University admission requirements.
Opportunities Upon Graduation
With a liberal arts degree in Geography—Globalization and Development, students are prepared for employment in a variety of fields, including non-profit and government work , particularly in the areas of community and international development. This degree will also prepare students well to work in the private sector in an international context. Graduates from this program will also be well situated to continue on to graduate school or law school, with research and professional interest in academic fields, including, but not limited to geography, public affairs and policy, development studies, and community and regional planning.
Browse through dozens of internship opportunities and full-time job postings for Ohio University students and alumni on Handshake, OHIO’s key resource for researching jobs, employers, workshops, and professional development events.
60. Who can be selected as the target of the geography course in the passage?
A. A freshman who has studied in a university.
B. A college student majoring in geography.
C. A senior high school graduate interested in geography.
D. A high school graduate who wants to find a job.
61. What are the advantages of choosing the geography major in this university in terms of employment?
A. Acquiring skills to solve social and environmental problems.
B. Understanding contemporary global issues.
C. Getting one-on-one information on geography teaching.
D. Achieving more international opportunities.
62. Where is the most likely place to read this passage?
A. In a magazine.
B. On the university website.
C. In a geographic journal.
D. On the enrollment information network.
The spread of lit areas could threaten animal ecology and human health
Composite image of Europe and North Africa at night, 2016. Credit: NASA Earth Observatory images by Joshua Stevens, using Suomi NPP VIIRS data from Miguel Roman, NASA\’s Goddard Space Flight Center Artificial light is often seen as a sign of progress:the march of civilization shines a light in the dark; it takes back the night; it illuminates. But a chorus of scientists and advocates argues that unnaturally bright nights are bad not just for astronomers but also for nocturnal animals and even for human health.
Now research shows the night is getting even brighter. From 2012 to 2016 the earth’s artificially lit area expanded by an estimated 2.2 percent a year (map), according to a study published last November in Science Advances. Even that increase may understate the problem, however. The measurement excludes light from most of the energy-efficient LED lamps that have been replacing sodium-vapor technology in cities all over the world, says lead study author Christopher Kyba, a postdoctoral researcher at the German Research Center for Geosciences in Potsdam.
The new data came from a NASA satellite instrument called the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS). It can measure long wavelengths of light, such as those produced by traditional yellow-and-orange sodium-vapor street lamps.
But VIIRS cannot see the short-wavelength blue light produced by white LEDs. This light has been shown to disrupt human sleep cycles and nocturnal animals’ behavior.
Credit: Mapping Specialists; Source: “Artificially Lit Surface of Earth at Night Increasing in Radiance and Extent, ”by Christopher C. M. Kyba et al., in Science Advances, Vol. 3, No, 11, Article No. E1701528; November 22, 2017.
The team believes the ongoing switch to LEDs caused already bright countries such as Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the U. S. to register as having stable levels of illumination in the VIIRS data. In contrast, most nations in South America, Africa and Asia brightened, suggesting increases in the use of traditional lighting. Australia actually appeared to lose lit area — but the researchers say that is because wildfires skewed the data.
“The fact that VIIRS finds an increase [in many countries], despite its blindness in the part of the spectrum that increased more, is very sad,” says Fabio Falchi, a researcher at Italy\’s Light Pollution Science and Technology Institute, who did not participate in the study. In 2016 Falchi, along with Kyba and several other members of his research team, published a global atlas of artificial lighting that showed one third of the world\’s population currently lives under skies too bright to see the Milky Way at night.
The data also cast doubt on the idea that the LED lighting revolution will lead to energy cost savings. Between 2012 and 2016 the median nation pumped out 15 percent more long- wavelength light as its GDP increased by 13 percent. And overall, countries’ total light production correlated with their GDP. In other words, Kyba says, “We buy as much light as we are willing to spend money on.
63. Which is not true about the spread of lit areas?
A. Lit area expanded by an estimated 2.2 percent a year.
B. Artificial light is often seen as a sign of progress.
C. The increase in GDP is due to the increase in light.
D. It is bad for nocturnal animals and even for human health.
64. Which of the following about VIIRS is NOT true according to the passage?
A. It is a kind of NASA satellite device.
B. It can record and analyzed long-wavelength light.
C. The blue light generated by white LEDs can disrupt human sleep cycles.
D. VIIRS has found an increase of traditional lighting in lots of nations.
65. According to the article, what we can know about the LEDs?
A. Artificial LED lights at nights are harmful to people\’ s health.
B. It is a sign of civilization in modern society.
C. The blue light disrupts human and animals\’ life cycles.
D. Artificially lit surface of Earth increasing because of LEDs.
66. The author writes this article to____________.
show the VIIRS data from NASA.demonstrate the significance of VIIRS for its measurement of wavelengths.reveal the relationship between wavelength light and GDP.
D. arouse people\’ s awareness of light pollution.
Section C
Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.
A. It means that different team is accessible to you.
B. Belonging to your favorite team stimulates your confidence.
C. That identity is first and foremost.
D. The more we follow a team, the deeper the bond becomes.
E. In that sense, your fạvorite team can serve the same purpose as church and family: Fostering a sense of belonging.
F. This refers to the inclination by fans to distance themselves from their team after a defeat.
“Our research has shown that the No.1 reason people become fans is that it\’ s your connection to your first community,” said Adam Earnhardt, chairman of the communications department at Youngstown State University and co-author of “Sports Fans, Identity and Socialization: Exploring the Fandemonium.” I don’t care if a Seattle fan moves to China, he or she carries with them their love for the sports teams, he said. “____67______”
____68_____And when a team begins to catch fire, as with, say, the Mariners in’ 95 or the Seahawks of recent vintage, well, it’s east to get swept up in the wave.
“It’s phenomenal,” said Simons. “We have this ability to understand other people so remarkably that their victories literally become ours. Our testosterone literally responds to their victory. _____69____They’re us, and competing on a literal level as us — a little extension of us.”
Professor Robert Cialdini at Arizona State University came up with the term BIRG — Basking In Reflected Glory — to describe the intense pride fans feel when their teams succeed. It can be used as a verb, as in, “Seahawks\’ fans are currently BIRGing up a storm.” The counterpoint, as coined by researchers C. R. Snyder, MaryAnne Lassergard and Carol E. Ford, is the concept of CORFing — Cutting Off Reflected Failure. _____70___We\’ve all heard it in action: We won, but they lost.
This leads into another concept, that of cognitive bias, also known as confirmation bias, which causes fans to help explain away defeats by blaming outside factors, such as referees. I\’m sure it would also help explain why Seahawks fans rallied around Richard Sherman after his postgame interview, rationalizing behavior that was widely criticized by many fans with no vested interest. It could also explain the notion, of “eustress,” invented by endocrinologist Hans Selye to refer to a combination of euphoria and stress, such as that resulting from watching tense sporting events. Indeed, it\’s much of the appeal.
67. _______ 68. ___________ 69. ____________ 70. ____________
IV. Summary Writing
Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point (s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
It\’s undeniable: Being among the first to try out a new piece of technology is cool. There\’ s the thrill of doing what has never been done before — the feeling that you\’re living in the future. And when you\’re the sole member of your social circle with the latest hot gadget, people stare in fascination. They ask you questions. They see you as the holder of powerful, secret knowledge. — for a little while, until the next big thing comes along. People tend to underestimate the costs of this temporary coolness, which they pay in more ways than one. Don\’t fall into the early adopter trap. Don\’t join the first wave of onsumers who invest in the latest media-hyped hardware; instead, wait and see.
To put it bluntly, early adoption is a bad investment. First, the earliest versions of devices are not only expensive, they are also the most expensive that those devices will ever be. Companies are presumably attempting to recover the cost of production as fast as they can, and they know that there are serious tech-lovers who will pay a great deal to be first. Once the revenues from early adopters’ purchases are safely in their hands, they can cut the price and shift to the next marketing phase: selling the product to everyone else, This is why the cost of the original iPhone dropped about US $200 only eight months after its release, Plus, electronics hardly ever become more expensive because intense competition in the industry puts downward pressure on prices over time. Prices of gadgets will fall shortly after release, and they will likely keep falling. Many new TV models drop significantly in price as little as ten days after hitting the market. Further, electronics rapidly depreciate because they become obsolete so quickly. This means that early adopters pay the maximum price for an item to that does not hold onto its value. The resale price of a cell phone or laptop can drop by fifty percent within just a few months.
Speaking of becoming obsolete, those who are first to leap into a new technology risk wasting money and time on something that will never catch on. Another good reason to resist the early-adoption temptation is that the first version of a product typically has defects that cost a lot in time and frustration. Such problems are so common with new technology that early adopters are basically unpaid beta testers and troubleshooters. Unless this sounds to you like a fun way to spend your time, don\’t be among the first users. If you wait to learn what the problems are with a new electronic gadget, you can look forward to a smoother experience — or choose a less troublesome product.
V. Translation
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English,using the words given in the brackets.
72. 爷爷有点耳背,对他耐心一点。(patient)
73. 和学生时代的他相比,那名士兵简直判若两人(How)
74. 随着体力逐渐恢复正常,那名业余自行车手的夺冠之梦不再遥不可及。(normal)
75. 值得–提的是,在王老师影响下,她的同事们更关注孩子们的努力,而不是他们的成 绩。(as…as…)
VI. Guided Writing
Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
1. 介绍一下你在杂志上看到的内容;
2. 自己针对此事的态度以及理由。
I. Listening Comprehension
Section A
Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
1. M: Is there a new bookstore on Fuzhou Road?
W: Yes, it’s got very good novels of the 20th century.
Q: What are the speakers mainly talking about? (C)
2. W: Mike, are you OK?
M: I injured my back yesterday just by sneezing. My doctor said I need surgery.
Q: What can be learned about the man? (B)
3. M: Which team are you going to support?
W: You’re not going to talk about football again, are you? That’s it.
Q: How does the woman feel about discussing football? (D)
4. M: Mary is not in the company. Has she returned from Xi’an yet?
W: Yes, but before she went to Chengdu yesterday, she had been home for only one day.
Q: Where is Mary Now? (B)
5. M: What? Steven is drinking orange juice.
W: You can’t believe it. Now, he’s careful about what he eats and takes regular exercise.
Q: What does the woman imply about Steven? (D)
6. M: I’ve moved the flower into the garden and watered it every day. How come it is still not doing well?
W: Well, why not add some fertilizer? Maybe that’ll help.
Q: According to the woman, what may the flower need? (A)
7. M: Wow, you won the first prize in the writing contest. You haven’t taken any courses on reading and writing.
W: But I’ve been keeping a diary since childhood.
Q: According to the woman, what helped her win the contest? (C)
8. M: You like tennis so much. Why not take some lessons? They start next week.
W: How am I going to fit that into my crowded schedule?
Q: What does the woman mean? (D)
9. W: Walk to the park? You must be kidding! It takes only five minutes to drive there.
M: If I had remembered to charge my car.
Q: What can be learned about the man? (B)
10. W: You’ve been dealing with that budget report for nearly an hour. Anything wrong?
M: I keep adding and reading the numbers but they just don’t balance.
Q: What is the man doing? (B)
Section B
Directions: In Section B, you will hear two passages and one longer conversation, after each passage or conversation you will be asked several questions, the passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.
It’s common for you, nonfiction writers, to go forth into an area you know little about. You may worry that you are not qualified to bring the story back. I feel that anxiety every time I start a new project. I felt it when I went to Bradenton to write my baseball book “Spring training.” Although I’ve been a baseball fan all my life, I had never done any sports reporting; never interviewed a professional athlete. Any of the man? I approached with a notebook could have asked, “What else have you written about baseball?” But nobody did.
They didn’t ask, because I was sincere. It was obvious to those men that I really wanted to know how they did their work. Remember this. When you enter a new area and need a shot of confidence» what matters is how you do it. Also remember that your assignment may not be as narrow as you think. Often it will turn out to touch some unexpected corner of your experience or your education» enabling you to broaden the story with strength of your own. Every such production of the unfamiliar will reduce your fear.
11. According to the speaker, when may non-fiction writers feel worried? (D)
12. Why did nobody in Bradenton care about what the speaker had written before? (B)
13. According to the speaker, how does non-fiction writers’ experience or education benefit them? (C)
Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following talk.
The accepted definition of creativity is production of something original and useful, and it is commonly thought that creativity occurs on the right side of the brain; and the arts, play an important role in enhancing it. But according to a new research, creativity isn’t about freedom from concrete facts.
Rather, fact-finding is vital in the creative process. It’s the result of both sides of your brain working together. To understand this, we need to take a look at what leads to creativity. When you try to solve a problem, you begin by concentrating on obvious facts and familiar solutions to see if the answer lies there. This is done mostly by the left side However, if the answer doesn’t come, the right and left sides of the brain activate together. The right side scans remote memories that could be vaguely relevant.
A wide range of distant information that is normally ignored becomes available to the left side. Then the left side catches whatever connection it may have with the problem and quickly locks in on it before it escapes. With extremely focused attention, the brain quickly pulls together these pieces of thought and combines them into a new single idea, as the brain recognizes the originality of what it has come up with, a sense of pleasure will arise.
14. What do people commonly think of creativity? (C)
15. According to the passage, how does the left side of the brain contribute to creative process? (D)
16. What is the passage mainly about? (B)
Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.
W: Hello. Peter. I heard you worked in a remote village last month.
M: Yes, as a volunteer teaching in a primary school in south eastern China.
W: A good choice for the summer vacation.
M: For me, it’s not only a choice, but a responsibility.
W: You’re right. What can a volunteer generally do?
M: Many things, like creating a change in. the surroundings, providing shelter and food to the needy ones.
W: So you mean volunteering is not just donating cash or things?
M: Right! We prefer to call that charity.
W: How did you come up with the idea of volunteering?
M: It was my father. He used to supervise a volunteer program in a non-profit art gallery.
W: Was it a full-time job for him?
M: No, in fact, a part time job. He went to the gallery nearly every weekend.
W: Wow, this requires great passion.
M: Sure. The best way to volunteer is to get involved in activities we are passionate about.
W: Have you had any difficulties as a volunteer?
M: Definitely! Lack of respect, acknowledgement, and lack of funds now and then.
W: Oh, my! Many obstacles!
M: So the most important spirit is perseverance.
W: I’d like to join you someday.
M: Any time.
17. What are the two speakers mainly talking about? (B)
18. What volunteer service did the man’s father do? (A)
l9. What does the man think is the best way to volunteer? (B)
20. According to the man, which of the following is the most important for a volunteer? (C)
II. Section A
21. what 22. as soon aso (the, moment instant/minute when or so/as long as) 23. Threatened 24. Where 25. Themselves 26. were deposited 27. that 28. being damaged 29. have reduced 30. by
Section B
31. E 32. B 33. D 34. J 35. H 36. I 37. G 38. A 39. C 40. F
III. Section A
41. B 42. A 43. C 44. D 45. B 46. A 47. B 48. D 49. C 50. D 51. A 52. C
53. D 54.B 55. A
Section B
(A) 56. C 57. C 58. D 59. A
(B) 60. C 61. D 62. B
(C) 63. C 64. B 65. A 66. D
Section C
67. C 68. E 69. D 70. F
IV. 略
V. 72. Grandpa is sort of deaf, and be more patient with him.
73. How different a person the soldier now is from what he was at school!
74. As his physical strength returns to normal, the amateur cyclist’s dream of winning championship will no longer be beyond reach.
75. It’s worth mentioning that under the influence of Ms. Wang, her colleagues don’t concern as more achievements as their efforts.
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