



在下列每组单词中,有四个带下划线的字母或字母组合,分别标为甲、乙、丙和d .比较带下划线的部分,找出发音不同的部分。


在这一节中,有30个不完整的句子。每个句子有四个选项,分别标为甲、乙、丙和d .选择一个最能完成每个句子的答案。












(7)让我们保持这种对话_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _;我要参加一个会议。




nlikes B. alikes C. dislikes D. likelies

(9) The ________ says that every child has to wear school uniform.

A. rule B. business C. demand D. label

(10) An ________ is a person who is paid to work for somebody.

A. expression B. advantage C. employee D. agency

(11) He stopped working for a moment to wipe the ________ off his face.

A. sweet B. sweat C. sweater D. sweep

(12) How can I ________ to you the beautiful sunrise we watched on the beach?

A. describe B. decide C. discuss D. discover

(13) The report gives both ________ and sad facts about the parentless children.

A. secret B. confident C. irritating D. revealing

(14) I think we've discussed everything we need to. ________, what time is it?

A. By the way B. In the way C. By a way D. In a way

Ⅲ. Reading Comprehension (36 points)

Directions: There are two passages in this part. Each passage is followed by four questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer for each question.

Passage One

If friends fall for (爱上) friends, they are often in a dilemma.

Nicole, a junior at Stanford, found her good friend fell for her. "He is a nice guy, but I was just not attracted to him," she said. "He kept asking me out, and I kept saying no." Nicole resolved the situation uniquely. She told a girlfriend who liked him to go out with him. "He has not been after me since," she said. "I have just tried to act as if nothing unusual ever happened. It is hard, but I don't want to lose his friendship. We've remained friends through all the changes."

The falling-for-a-friend situation isn't always easy to resolve. Some choose to tell their friend and are met by a pleasant surprise when they find their friend feels the same way. Others get a kind, sympathetic refusal. And still others keep quiet and watch, silently tortured (受折磨), as their best friend dates someone else.

Whatever happens, it's risky (冒险的). Tell and you can lose a friendship or gain a solid love. Don't tell and you feel it too painful to watch that person date someone else.

Alan Hart, a junior at Harvard, started to fall for a good friend. The girl has a boyfriend who treats her poorly and Hart is the person she turns to when she's upset, so Allan has never told her he loves her. He said he cares enough about her to know that her comfort and security are more important. And he does not want to see things become uncomfortable if he tells her how he feels.

Kelly Flynn, a senior at MIT, took a different approach. After a year of having feelings for a close friend, the two came to be more than friends. But the decision was mutual after they were sure the relationship would work.

"When you date someone that you haven't spent time with before, it is always awkward," said Flynn. "I think it is much easier to talk with someone if you have already had a chance to know each other as friends."

(1) When her friend asked her out, Nicole said no because ________.

A. he was not a nice guy

B. they had been close friends

C. she was not attracted to him

D. he had been dating another girl

(2) What is true of the falling-for-a-friend situation?

A. Any choice to be made is risky.

B. Boys should keep quiet and watch.

C. Girls should say no when they are asked out.

D. The best choice is to act as if nothing has happened.

(3) Why hasn't Alan Hart told the girl he loves her?

A. Because the girl doesn't treat Alan Hart very well.

B. Because it is painful to watch the girl date someone else.

C. Because the girl's boyfriend loves her very much.

D. Because Alan cares about her comfort and security.

(4) What does Kelly Flynn's story tell us?

A. It is always awkward to date a close friend.

B. When two friends date each other, it is easier to communicate.

C. If a boy and a girl have been good friends, they can become lovers.

D. It is exciting if you date someone you haven't spent time with before.

Passage Two

Walking as if each step were painful, she slowly pushed open the glass door. The moment she entered, the woman presented a sharp contrast to our Seven-Eleven Store. The store has bright lighting and neatly arranged shelves. On a 400F night, she was wearing a thin sweater and a pair of black slippers. The dress was too small to button and the slippers had the backs cut out.

After walking around the aisle for several minutes, the old woman stopped in front of the rows of canned vegetables. She picked up a can of corn and looked at the label. I decided to be a good employee and asked her if she needed help. As I stood close to her, my smile became harder to maintain. Her eyes were almost closed by yellow crusts, her hands were covered with layer upon layer of dirt, and the smell of sweat rose from her clothes.

"I need some food," she muttered in reply to my bright "Can I help you?"

"Are you looking for corn, madam?"

"I need some food," she repeated. "Any kind."

"Well, the corn is ninety-five cents," I said in my most helpful voice.

"I can't pay," she said.

For a second, I was tempted to say, "Take the corn." But the employee rules said, "Remain polite, but do not let customers get the best of you". For a moment, I even believed that this woman was someone from the head office testing my loyalty. I replied, "I'm sorry, ma'am, but I can't give away anything for free."

The old woman's face collapsed a bit more, and her hands trembled as she put the can back on the shelf. She hobbled past me toward the door. Her torn and dirty clothing barely covered her bent back.

For the rest of my shift, the image of the woman stayed in my mind. I was young and healthy, while she was old and sick. I wished with all my heart that I had acted like a human being rather than a robot.

What was the old lady wearing when she came into the store?

A. Warm winter clothes. B. A thin black sweater and slippers.

C. Old but well-fitting clothes. D. A thin sweater and black slippers.

What did the old lady want in the store?

A. A coat. B. A hat. C. Some food. D. A pair of shoes.

(3) Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A. The old lady had no money for food.

B. The old lady did not bring enough money.

C. The old lady did not want to buy anything.

D. The old lady went back to bring some money.

(4) Finally, the writer decided ________.

A. to ask the boss for help B. to give the old lady the can of corn

C. not to give the old lady any food for free

D. to give the old lady some money to buy the food

Passage Three

"Other countries have a climate; in England we have just weather". This statement is often made by Englishmen to describe the special weather conditions of their country. It is both revealing and true. It's revealing because the Englishman insists that what happens in England is not the same as what happens elsewhere. Its truth can be proved by any foreigner who stays in the country for longer than a few years.

Only in England can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day! Day may break as a warm spring morning. An hour or so later black clouds may have appeared from nowhere and the rain may be pouring down. At midday conditions may be really wintry with the temperature down by about eight degrees centigrade. And then, in the late afternoon the sky will clear, the sun will begin to shine, and for an hour or two before darkness falls, it will be summer.

In England one can experience almost every kind of weather except the most extreme. Some foreigners, by the way, seem to have the impression that for ten months of the year the country is covered by a dense blanket of fog. This is not true. The problem is that we can never be sure when the different types of weather will occur. We do get several different sorts of weather in one day. And we may also get a period of winter in summer and a period of summer in winter.

This quickly changing weather has had a great effect upon the Englishman's character. It makes him careful, for example. The foreigner may laugh when he sees the Englishman walking with a raincoat on or carrying an umbrella on a bright sunny morning, but he may regret his laughter later in the day!

And, of course, the quickly changing weather provides a constant topic of talk. Even the most silent Englishman is always prepared to discuss the weather.

What kind of weather is possible in a day in England?

A. A warm spring morning. B. A heavy rain at noon.

C. A wintry afternoon. D. All the above.

(2) What impressions do foreigners have on the weather of England?

A. Foggy all the time. B. Foggy most of the time.

C. Rainy all the time. D. Rainy most of time.

(3) Why did the Englishmen bring umbrellas all the time?

A. Because they were afraid of sunshine.

B. Because they thought it was quite fashionable.

C. Because the weather report suggested they do so.

D. Because the weather in English is changeable.

(4) What is the common topic of conversation in England?

A. Food. B. Climate. C. Weather. D. Clothing.

Ⅳ. Daily Conversation (15 points)

Directions: Pick out appropriate expressions from the eight given choices for each conversation.

A. What about the future B. What do you think of it

C. When did you start working D. where have you been

E. Have you met many famous people F. Have you applied for a new job

G. I decided to work for H. What are you doing


Hello everyone. Today I am speaking to Ann Taylor. Ann is a TV reporter. Ann, 1

as a reporter?

Ann :

Five years ago.


And before that you were an actress, I believe.

Ann :

Yes, that’s right. I worked as an actress for three years, but I was’t very good at it so

2 television news service.


3 in your job?

Ann :

Well, I have spoken to actors, scientists, politicians, and football stars.


And 4 at the moment?

Ann :

At the moment I am talking to you! No, actually I’m on holiday.


And 5 ?

Ann :

In the summer I’ll go to South America, or maybe to India. Next year, I’ll be in the United States for the Presidential elections.


That’s fantastic!

Ⅴ. Translation (25 points)

Section A

Directions: Translate the following five sentences into English.

带上一顶帽子吧,以防中午天气太热。(in case) 在夜里他几乎无法看清道路。(barely) 我们大家都认为他是诚实的。俱乐部免费赠送T恤衫,以吸引年轻人加入。(give away; tempt)这个房间足够大可以开晚会么?

Section B

Directions: Translate the following five sentences into Chinese.

The next time I took a date to the drive-in, I took an extra bag of popcorn with me.He wore a black jacket yesterday, presenting a sharp contrast to the colored shirts he usually wears.Robbie didn't say that he would come to the party, did he?The employee rules said, "Remain polite, but do not let customers get the best of you".Only after I have received the report can I give you the exact numbers.






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