自考-高中英语-Abstract Art

自考-高中英语-Abstract Art

abstractartusedtobecontroversial (引起争论).On one hand, 精密(精密)图形数字( but attempted ) to adopt )采用)技术including sculptures (雕像) carve (雕刻) out of marble (大理石) or flagile (易碎) clay (陶土)、were all with a specific (具体)目标) to abstract art said it was evidently (明显) ridiculous (胡说八道) and neither art nor geometry ).theirtraditionalartcommitteeeepredicty

But nowadays, abstractarthasbecomepartofthepermanent (永久) possessions of contemporary (同一时期的) civilization )文明).Galleries (图片库) along ypical (典型的) abstract works,appealing (有吸引力的) to many who have a preference偏好) forabstractart.theshadowofegypt,a cafe in the hasbecomethehometothoseaggressive (侵略性) abstract artists. Consequently、 it is not a coincidence (偶然) foryoutomeetartistsofgreatreputation (荣誉) in the flesh.theyareaskedforsignatures (签名) andgivenbunce owersplustheyaregivenagreatdealofpraise )赞美) faithful )忠实的) fans。